If you were seriously involved and in a relationship that you felt was the greatest in the world, you might be tempted to get complacent and let things go that made your relationship as fun and exciting as it was and provided the spark that made each day worth waking up to.
This is what you will need to deal with if you are very intent on winning your ex boyfriend back.
You might have to "jump through a few hoops" so to speak...
or you might need to show him in other, more serious ways that you understand what he needs and what made your relationship what it was and will need to really show him that you are willing to go back to those days.
Make no promises that you cannot keep and no assumptions that he will automatically take you back.
These are two for the biggest mistakes that women (and men) make when they are in the process of winning your ex boyfriend back or at least trying to do just that.
If you were always makes promises that you could not keep (either intentionally or out-of-your-control situations), you will seriously need to re-think this strategy and do your very best to avoid making any promises unless you know for sure that you can keep them.
You also need to ditch the idea that just because you ask him to take you back that he will automatically.
If you ignored his needs before, do not just ignore his request to be left alone.
If you started to ignore his needs and only satisfy your own needs, you might want to seriously re-think your actions and honor his request to be left alone if and when he asks you to leave him alone.
There really is nothing to be gained by constantly bugging your ex-boyfriend after he has asked that you leave him alone.
This certainly is not the way to go about winning your ex boyfriend back.
This is a very good way to get arrested for stalking and/or harassment in today's world.
If you are very serious about winning him back, you need to step back when he asks to be left alone and prove to him that way - by your actions, not your words-that you truly do want to get back together with him and are willing to honor his needs and put his needs above your own.
Face the fact that you might not get him back and be willing to accept this.
We know that this is the very last thing that you really want to hear if you are planning out a winning your ex boyfriend back strategy.
You probably do not want to think about never being back in his life, yet this is certainly a possible reality that you might have to face.
It is pretty easy to say that you are willing to walk away and let him go, but can you actually do that? This might be what it takes to get him back.
This is what you will need to deal with if you are very intent on winning your ex boyfriend back.
You might have to "jump through a few hoops" so to speak...
or you might need to show him in other, more serious ways that you understand what he needs and what made your relationship what it was and will need to really show him that you are willing to go back to those days.
Make no promises that you cannot keep and no assumptions that he will automatically take you back.
These are two for the biggest mistakes that women (and men) make when they are in the process of winning your ex boyfriend back or at least trying to do just that.
If you were always makes promises that you could not keep (either intentionally or out-of-your-control situations), you will seriously need to re-think this strategy and do your very best to avoid making any promises unless you know for sure that you can keep them.
You also need to ditch the idea that just because you ask him to take you back that he will automatically.
If you ignored his needs before, do not just ignore his request to be left alone.
If you started to ignore his needs and only satisfy your own needs, you might want to seriously re-think your actions and honor his request to be left alone if and when he asks you to leave him alone.
There really is nothing to be gained by constantly bugging your ex-boyfriend after he has asked that you leave him alone.
This certainly is not the way to go about winning your ex boyfriend back.
This is a very good way to get arrested for stalking and/or harassment in today's world.
If you are very serious about winning him back, you need to step back when he asks to be left alone and prove to him that way - by your actions, not your words-that you truly do want to get back together with him and are willing to honor his needs and put his needs above your own.
Face the fact that you might not get him back and be willing to accept this.
We know that this is the very last thing that you really want to hear if you are planning out a winning your ex boyfriend back strategy.
You probably do not want to think about never being back in his life, yet this is certainly a possible reality that you might have to face.
It is pretty easy to say that you are willing to walk away and let him go, but can you actually do that? This might be what it takes to get him back.