When a girl breaks up with you, it's usually one-sided. She's ending things because she's looking for greener pastures, and you'll be the one stuck wanting her back.
You may even fight to keep her from ending the relationship, but at the time she wants none of it. Nothing you can do can convince your girlfriend from wanting to move on.
Over time however, you might sense that your ex is having a change of heart... or at least it may seem that way. If this is the case, you'll need to know for sure whether or not she's just playfully flirting, or if your ex girlfriend still loves you.
Learning to recognize the signs and signals given off when she's wants you back is a crucial part of rekindling those old sparks and dating your ex again. Why? Because oftentimes whether or not you can reverse an unwanted breakup is dependent upon timing.
Make a move at the wrong time during the breakup and you can easily be sunk. But make one at just the right moment? Suddenly, everything you do and say is absolutely golden. Without really trying, you're actually making your girlfriend want you back.
There are some very easy tricks to making an ex girlfriend need you again, and most of these can be applied to any breakup situation regardless of how long you've been broken up. These tricks can work quickly too, if you begin using them right away.
Below are some of the easy signs your ex still has feelings for you:
Sign #1: Your Ex Girlfriend Stays In Contact With You
Ex still emailing or texting you? It's a sign she's not 100% done with the relationship.
If a girl is really, truly finished with you, the sad and simple fact is that she's not going to stay in touch. You'll lose contact with her rather quickly, because she'll feel the need to move forward without giving you any false hope of reconciliation. An ex girlfriend who's very hard to reach or contact, and who doesn't respond to any of your own attempts to get in touch with her, is usually entrenched in the mindset that your relationship is fully over.
That being said, any time your ex keeps in touch with you? It's usually a good sign. An ex who keeps in touch after the break up isn't completely done with you, and might even try to keep you around in a friendship-type role while she decides what to do with you. If this happens, you'll need to know what to do when your ex just wants to be friends.
In any case, if her emotions and feelings for you are still there? Your ex girlfriend will maintain contact. The amount of contact and who is initiating it (you or her) will determine her level of interest. If it's low, it's up to you to start jacking up her interest in you - and there are several ways to do it.
Sign #2: She Wants You To Know She's Single
When your ex girlfriend wants you back, she'll first let you know that she's available. To do this, she's going to be very open about her own dating situation. In talking to or emailing her, look for any mention of "being bored" or "not having anything to do". Some girls will even come right out and say they haven't been dating anyone else because "they're not ready"... but if she's saying this to you? It's because she needs you to know the coast is clear, just in case you wanted her back.
Sign #3: She Asks About Your Own Dating Status
Another one of the signs your ex girlfriend still loves you? When she begins feeling around to find out if you're dating anyone. Before getting back together with you, your ex first needs to know that you're available. She might poke around by asking your friends, drop subtle hints, or come right out and ask if you've been seeing anybody.
If you're trying to get your girlfriend back and she starts checking up on you? Give her the green light by letting her know that no, you're currently not seeing anyone. Don't make yourself look needy or desperate, but do let your ex know that you're available - for now, anyway.
Sign #4: Your Ex Girlfriend Calls From Out Of The Blue
Sometimes after breaking up, you go your separate ways. You may not have been trying to get your ex back, or even thinking too much about her for that matter.
As weeks go by and you haven't heard from each other, you may think she's completely done with the relationship... and then it comes: the completely random ex girlfriend phone call.
A girl who calls after a long period of non-contact is completely reconsidering dumping you. Don't let her tell you she's calling you up "to say hello" or see how you're doing... it took a lot of courage for her to dial your numbers, and she's doing it for a deliberate reason. Her own reason.
Anytime your ex girlfriend calls you when you're totally not expecting it, it's a big signal that your ex is interested in you romantically again. It's a sure sign that you're still on her mind, and that she hasn't forgotten about you - or your past relationship together.
Treat all ex-girlfriend phone calls as coming with the same intent: to reconnect in a romantic or even sexual way. Your ex is NOT calling to discuss the weather, for help with her homework, etc...
Sign 5: Your Ex Girlfriend Wants To Hang Out Again
You may be lead to believe ex girlfriends and boyfriends can somehow hang out together, as "just friends". This fairy tale is perpetuated by people desperate for their ex back, willing to stick around in a friendship capacity in hopes that their ex will somehow come to their senses and take them back. Not very likely.
There's no such thing as an "innocent" ex-girlfriend hangout. If your ex asks to see you it's because she wants one of two things. The first: close companionship - the type that goes a step beyond simple friendship. And the second reason of course, is because she's looking to hook up or sleep with you.
Any time your ex wants to hit a restaurant, go to a club, or even just stop by and rent a movie with you, she's trying to rekindle your romance. This is a big sign that your ex girlfriend still wants you on some level. She may not be ready to fully reverse the break up, but she's definitely exploring the option. If you want your girlfriend back, you need to roll with the idea of seeing her and not make a big deal over "what it means"... at least not yet.
Make sure you also read up on what to do when your ex just wants to be friends after breaking up.
Other Signs Your Ex Still Wants (and Needs) You
The above signals are all fairly obvious, and are given off when your ex girlfriend may be interested in seeing you again. However, there are other more subtle and non-verbal signs that she's into dating you. Body language is another one. Verbal flirtation is another, and you'll need to ready your ex's vocal inflection to know whether she's just being friendly or she's giving you the go-ahead to make some moves in her direction.
If your ex is putting forth these signs, you'll need to know how to handle it. And if she's not? You'll have to be even more proactive about getting your girlfriend to miss and want you again.
You may even fight to keep her from ending the relationship, but at the time she wants none of it. Nothing you can do can convince your girlfriend from wanting to move on.
Over time however, you might sense that your ex is having a change of heart... or at least it may seem that way. If this is the case, you'll need to know for sure whether or not she's just playfully flirting, or if your ex girlfriend still loves you.
Learning to recognize the signs and signals given off when she's wants you back is a crucial part of rekindling those old sparks and dating your ex again. Why? Because oftentimes whether or not you can reverse an unwanted breakup is dependent upon timing.
Make a move at the wrong time during the breakup and you can easily be sunk. But make one at just the right moment? Suddenly, everything you do and say is absolutely golden. Without really trying, you're actually making your girlfriend want you back.
There are some very easy tricks to making an ex girlfriend need you again, and most of these can be applied to any breakup situation regardless of how long you've been broken up. These tricks can work quickly too, if you begin using them right away.
Below are some of the easy signs your ex still has feelings for you:
Sign #1: Your Ex Girlfriend Stays In Contact With You
Ex still emailing or texting you? It's a sign she's not 100% done with the relationship.
If a girl is really, truly finished with you, the sad and simple fact is that she's not going to stay in touch. You'll lose contact with her rather quickly, because she'll feel the need to move forward without giving you any false hope of reconciliation. An ex girlfriend who's very hard to reach or contact, and who doesn't respond to any of your own attempts to get in touch with her, is usually entrenched in the mindset that your relationship is fully over.
That being said, any time your ex keeps in touch with you? It's usually a good sign. An ex who keeps in touch after the break up isn't completely done with you, and might even try to keep you around in a friendship-type role while she decides what to do with you. If this happens, you'll need to know what to do when your ex just wants to be friends.
In any case, if her emotions and feelings for you are still there? Your ex girlfriend will maintain contact. The amount of contact and who is initiating it (you or her) will determine her level of interest. If it's low, it's up to you to start jacking up her interest in you - and there are several ways to do it.
Sign #2: She Wants You To Know She's Single
When your ex girlfriend wants you back, she'll first let you know that she's available. To do this, she's going to be very open about her own dating situation. In talking to or emailing her, look for any mention of "being bored" or "not having anything to do". Some girls will even come right out and say they haven't been dating anyone else because "they're not ready"... but if she's saying this to you? It's because she needs you to know the coast is clear, just in case you wanted her back.
Sign #3: She Asks About Your Own Dating Status
Another one of the signs your ex girlfriend still loves you? When she begins feeling around to find out if you're dating anyone. Before getting back together with you, your ex first needs to know that you're available. She might poke around by asking your friends, drop subtle hints, or come right out and ask if you've been seeing anybody.
If you're trying to get your girlfriend back and she starts checking up on you? Give her the green light by letting her know that no, you're currently not seeing anyone. Don't make yourself look needy or desperate, but do let your ex know that you're available - for now, anyway.
Sign #4: Your Ex Girlfriend Calls From Out Of The Blue
Sometimes after breaking up, you go your separate ways. You may not have been trying to get your ex back, or even thinking too much about her for that matter.
As weeks go by and you haven't heard from each other, you may think she's completely done with the relationship... and then it comes: the completely random ex girlfriend phone call.
A girl who calls after a long period of non-contact is completely reconsidering dumping you. Don't let her tell you she's calling you up "to say hello" or see how you're doing... it took a lot of courage for her to dial your numbers, and she's doing it for a deliberate reason. Her own reason.
Anytime your ex girlfriend calls you when you're totally not expecting it, it's a big signal that your ex is interested in you romantically again. It's a sure sign that you're still on her mind, and that she hasn't forgotten about you - or your past relationship together.
Treat all ex-girlfriend phone calls as coming with the same intent: to reconnect in a romantic or even sexual way. Your ex is NOT calling to discuss the weather, for help with her homework, etc...
Sign 5: Your Ex Girlfriend Wants To Hang Out Again
You may be lead to believe ex girlfriends and boyfriends can somehow hang out together, as "just friends". This fairy tale is perpetuated by people desperate for their ex back, willing to stick around in a friendship capacity in hopes that their ex will somehow come to their senses and take them back. Not very likely.
There's no such thing as an "innocent" ex-girlfriend hangout. If your ex asks to see you it's because she wants one of two things. The first: close companionship - the type that goes a step beyond simple friendship. And the second reason of course, is because she's looking to hook up or sleep with you.
Any time your ex wants to hit a restaurant, go to a club, or even just stop by and rent a movie with you, she's trying to rekindle your romance. This is a big sign that your ex girlfriend still wants you on some level. She may not be ready to fully reverse the break up, but she's definitely exploring the option. If you want your girlfriend back, you need to roll with the idea of seeing her and not make a big deal over "what it means"... at least not yet.
Make sure you also read up on what to do when your ex just wants to be friends after breaking up.
Other Signs Your Ex Still Wants (and Needs) You
The above signals are all fairly obvious, and are given off when your ex girlfriend may be interested in seeing you again. However, there are other more subtle and non-verbal signs that she's into dating you. Body language is another one. Verbal flirtation is another, and you'll need to ready your ex's vocal inflection to know whether she's just being friendly or she's giving you the go-ahead to make some moves in her direction.
If your ex is putting forth these signs, you'll need to know how to handle it. And if she's not? You'll have to be even more proactive about getting your girlfriend to miss and want you again.