- Setting up a tubing roller machine is fairly simple. The machine first needs to be mounted to a workbench or tool stand that will keep it secure during operation, and whatever the machine is mounted to should be mounted to the floor. It is important for the machine to be stable to work properly and precisely and to avoid personal injury. After the machine is mounted, remove the capscrew and the washer from the driven shaft. Move the handwheel so that it matches the square hole with the flats located on the shaft. Once you have the handwheel in the correct position, put the capscrew and washer back in place and tighten so the handwheel will be kept in place. Once this is done, the tubing roller is ready to use.
- Because not all tubing rollers are exactly the same, it is important to carefully follow the directions in the manual that came with your specific machine. Once setup is complete and the machine is adjusted to the specifications of your tube, place the tubing into the roller die cutouts so that it is making contact with all of the dies. Next, tighten the jackscrew so that it applies light pressure upon the tubing, but only light pressure. It is important not to tighten the pressure too much.
- The tubing is now ready to be fed into the machine. At this point you should be facing the handwheel and ready to tighten the jackscrew as the tubing is fed into the machine. As the tubing is being fed, turn the wheel and gently tighten the jackscrew, but do night tighten it too much. At this point, the curve should be forming slowly, but it will be necessary to make several passes in order to achieve the desired radius. With each turn, tighten the jackscrew slightly so that you will be increasing the tension in small increments. Repeat this process until you have achieved the radius you desire.
Setting Up
Operating the Tube Roller
Feeding the Tubing