You may have read the seemingly impossible promises made by subliminal learning companies.
The claims are that you will learn subliminally at lightening speed and with near enough no effort on your part.
It sounds good, but if it really is possible to learn quickly and easily with subliminal messages, why doesn't the regular education system use it? One of the reasons the traditional education system doesn't use subliminal learning is that "we've never done it that way".
Society needs millions spent on studies to prove that a new technique is better than the current ones.
On top of that, many teachers and parents won't believe that it is possible.
The best way to decide whether or not subliminal working will work for you is to try it.
There is more of a process to learning the subliminal way.
First, start with an actual intention.
What do you want to learn from this exercise? If you don't have a goal, you're less likely to benefit from the subliminal learning process.
Your subconscious mind needs clear direction to work at its best.
Take a few minutes to come up with a clear, simple goal.
Subliminal learning techniques vary.
One of the best ways is with photo reading.
This is like speed reading except lots, lots faster.
Instead of reading sentences fast, you take in complete pages at a time.
If this sounds weird, get hold of a book on photo reading - these use the photoreading technique itself to teach how to read the book.
Then back up your learning with subliminal CDs or MP3s.
Play them in otherwise "dead" time such as when you are commuting or jogging.
Unlike hypnosis, subliminal messages are usually OK to play whilst you are doing other things.
Obviously it's sensible to check the packaging for exact instructions, so make sure you do that as well.
Once you've spent some time subliminal learning, you need to reinforce what you've learned.
Our mind has short term and long term memory sections.
But it discards things that clutter it up, so you need to make sure that your mind knows that the things you've just spent time learning subliminally should be stored in your long term memory.
You can do this by going back through the book or program you've just spent time learning and performing some exercises to make sure that you can recall the information you've just learned.
Repeat this daily for the first week, then weekly for the next month.
Then quarterly.
You can do this with anything you want to commit to your long term memory recall.
The claims are that you will learn subliminally at lightening speed and with near enough no effort on your part.
It sounds good, but if it really is possible to learn quickly and easily with subliminal messages, why doesn't the regular education system use it? One of the reasons the traditional education system doesn't use subliminal learning is that "we've never done it that way".
Society needs millions spent on studies to prove that a new technique is better than the current ones.
On top of that, many teachers and parents won't believe that it is possible.
The best way to decide whether or not subliminal working will work for you is to try it.
There is more of a process to learning the subliminal way.
First, start with an actual intention.
What do you want to learn from this exercise? If you don't have a goal, you're less likely to benefit from the subliminal learning process.
Your subconscious mind needs clear direction to work at its best.
Take a few minutes to come up with a clear, simple goal.
Subliminal learning techniques vary.
One of the best ways is with photo reading.
This is like speed reading except lots, lots faster.
Instead of reading sentences fast, you take in complete pages at a time.
If this sounds weird, get hold of a book on photo reading - these use the photoreading technique itself to teach how to read the book.
Then back up your learning with subliminal CDs or MP3s.
Play them in otherwise "dead" time such as when you are commuting or jogging.
Unlike hypnosis, subliminal messages are usually OK to play whilst you are doing other things.
Obviously it's sensible to check the packaging for exact instructions, so make sure you do that as well.
Once you've spent some time subliminal learning, you need to reinforce what you've learned.
Our mind has short term and long term memory sections.
But it discards things that clutter it up, so you need to make sure that your mind knows that the things you've just spent time learning subliminally should be stored in your long term memory.
You can do this by going back through the book or program you've just spent time learning and performing some exercises to make sure that you can recall the information you've just learned.
Repeat this daily for the first week, then weekly for the next month.
Then quarterly.
You can do this with anything you want to commit to your long term memory recall.