Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Give Your Female Partner an Orgasm

For any man, probably the most essential thing is to realize about a woman's sexual climax is that the woman is not as easily satisfied as the man.
This is because women do not ejaculate and hence, their sexual climax is indefinite.
In most incidences, the man ejaculates and reaches his climax before the woman attains her orgasm.
Men can climax just by stimulating their penises for a while.
But for women, the whole situation is quite different.
They cannot be brought to a climax by focusing on just one organ.
In order to learn how to give your female partner an orgasm, you must learn how the female body experiences sexual climax, what her main excitable organs are, and how they are affected during sexual stimulation.
Unlike men who can reach their climaxes at the drop of a hat, women require a romantic atmosphere, proper arousal, a comfortable sex position, or to sum it all up, an overall stimulating ambiance.
Here are some tips on how to give women their orgasms.
Tip 1: Make the atmosphere as romantic as possible.
For women, romance has a strong relation with fragrance.
But do not go for any artificial sprays and deodorants, choose some natural flavor (simple flowers may work).
Another thing you can do to add fuel to her sexual desire is to play some romantic, soft and soothing music.
Let the beat and rhythm become a part of these wonderful moments.
Tip 2: The environment is important too.
Once in a while, you should go the whole hog.
Invest in some comfortable bedspreads, flowing curtains, tantalizing pictures, mood lighting, the works.
Keep everything neat and clean.
When the woman walks into such a room, she won't be able to resist herself.
Tip 3: One of the most important things in learning how to give your female partner an orgasm is to understand how to make her feel wanted and appreciated.
Proper communication can open hidden doors.
Tell her that you appreciate her body and spend a lot of time caressing each of them.
Do not hold yourself back in showering praise on her.
This is all part of the sexual act.
Tip 4: Foreplay is mandatory and cannot be overlooked.
You know all about the female sexual body parts such as breasts, thighs, lips, neck and most importantly, the clitoris and vaginal lips.
Some men prefer oral sex whereas others just keep themselves away from it.
Do not get worried if you feel that stimulating by tongue is something you don't want to do; you can simply rub your genitals against her private parts and excite her no end.
Spend as much time as possible fondling all her assets that can make her feel aroused.
Go for the ultimate act of penetration only when you are sure that she is fully stimulated.
Tip 5: Penetration should be gentle if you want to learn how to give your female partner an orgasm.
Sexual positions do matter and different women like different positions.
Some women love to be on top and some would want to be more adventurous and ask for different kinds of penetrations too.
Whatever way you adopt, the idea is to arouse and tempt your female partner as much as possible.
When you know that she is completely aroused, bringing her to orgasm is quite a natural progression to make.
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