Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Prophetic - The Power of the Prophetic Seer

Most of us are familiar somewhat with the term spectrum.
It is used to describe on a linear scale measurements of time, sound and light.
Humans function in a narrow segment of that total spectrum comprised of time, sound and light.
We can only hear certain sound frequencies and see a certain range of light within the larger spectrum.
Our time here in earths dimension is also a narrow slice of the time spectrum in contrast to eternity forever.
I want to present some thoughts to you today about the light and visual spectrum.
Understanding it will help you to see beyond the physical limitations of natural eyesight into the fascinating realm of prophetic revelation.
It is there the prophet and prophetess go, so to speak to receive supernatural downloads.
I want to describe a significant dream the Lord gave me three years ago.
I awakened into this dream fully alert and saw in the distance Jesus.
He was clothed in radiant atmosphere.
The distance at thatpoint between us was rapidly closing.
I am not sure if He was moving towards me or I towards Him.
As this distance closed He increasingly became brighter and more radiant.
Power, energy and light was flowing out of Him.
His Presence became so radiant that all I could see was a diffused image within His countenance.
Then when we were within ten or so feet of each other He suddenly disappeared.
However, He spoke to me and said " I Am still with you.
I have merely stepped out of your visual spectrum.
This is what I did in the room when I first met with the disciples after My resurrection.
I stepped into their visual spectrum, ate with them, instructed them and then I stepped out of their visual spectrum.
They thought I left but I merely was out of their visual spectrum.
This is how I operate in My Kingdom beyond the natural spectrum of human sight and sound.
But I never leave My people.
I Am always close at hand.
In this form I Am able to also live within them in My Holy Spirit.
" My dream contained a few other details.
Perhaps I will share those another time.
What I want to emphasize here is that the spiritual realms are outside the natural visual, time and sound spectrum.
The human spirit has the capability in a smaller measure to engage the larger spectrum through the help given to us by the Holy Spirit.
Thankfully God the Holy Spirit does step into our natural visual, sound and time spectrum to engage us in God encounters.
He however, gives us the invitation to come into His realm to also engage Him in spiritual intimacy and worship.
To engage Him with dialog, revelation and relationship.
It is into this realm that prophet and prophetess receive their insight and prophetic ministry.
How then can you or I activate the ability to see with the prophetic eyes of the seer? We simply need to ask the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of our understanding so that we can see into that realm.
He will sensitize us to His realm so that we can gaze into His realm at will.
He will activate the inner eyes of the spirit within us to receive visual images, pictures, storyboards and scenes.
He will also open the inner ears of the spirit to hear what He is saying to us and to others that we are to speak to on His behalf.
Begin to pray the Ephesian 1:18, 19 prayer found in the scriptures for God wants us to have the eyes of the seer prophet so we are equipped to see His destiny fulfilled in our life.
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