- 1). Choose a source to supply the images. This can include a computer hard drive, digital video recorder, VCR, DVD player or a cable/satellite television receiver box. A computer will need its keyboard and mouse to access the videos, while all others will need their remote or manual controls.
- 2). Connect the video source to a compatible working monitor. A computer can work with its standard VGA-connected monitor while a television set will work with all others. Connect the television with the best cable possible--HDMI, component, composite or RF coaxial.
- 3). Cut a piece of cardboard into the shape and size of the monitor screen. Paint it black, and cut a circular hole into the very center--17 centimeters is a good diameter for regular-sized screens. Tape a fresnel lens to the cardboard piece.
- 4). Construct a box-like frame out of cardboard. The frame should be the same height and width as the monitor screen and 45 centimeters deep. Paint these cardboard pieces black and tape them together, covering every part of the connecting corners with tape.
- 5). Attach the box frame to the monitor screen. Tape all the way around the frame and screen where they connect, making sure no light from the screen pokes out of a crack. Run more tape from the frame's outer edge to the monitor's bottom and top sides to support the frame.
- 6). Insert the lens piece into the cardboard frame. Turn the monitor upside down because the fresnel lens will invert the projection image.
- 7). Turn on the video source and monitor, and play a video if needed. Place the monitor in front of a blank wall, and find a spot where the projected image is at your preferred size. Adjust the lens' position within the frame until the image is focused.