I know how painful it is to suffer through a breakup.
When I was younger, I had more breakups than I can count.
Each one was more gut wrenching than the one before it.
I was a stubborn fellow though.
I never gave up.
As a result, I learned a lot about relationships and how to hold onto them.
I am going to share some of what I've learned in my 50 plus years on this rock.
Hopefully, after reading this, you'll be able to get your ex back...
if that's what you really want.
Okay, the first step in this process is to sit down and take stock of the situation.
I know you're not thinking too clearly now but trust me, unless you know what went wrong, you're not going to be able to fix the problem.
And trust me, the problem is not the last fight you had just prior to breaking up.
That was just the culmination of months of problems.
No, you need to get to the heart of what really went wrong.
Sometimes you'll find that you just got tired of each other.
It happens.
After you've figured out what went wrong, the next step is to confront your ex.
Yes, I know this is not something you're looking forward to but patching things up isn't going to work long distance.
You need to call your ex and tell them that you want to talk.
They may be reluctant at first.
That's to be expected.
Just tell them that you're going to make it worth their time.
Before you actually meet with them, you need to clear your head.
I suggest going out and doing some shopping.
Treat yourself to something nice.
You earned it.
At this meeting, which I recommend having at a public place to avoid a scene, simply apologize to your ex for your mistakes (yes, take all the blame and eat some crow) and ask for another chance.
Don't beg, don't carry on and don't make a scene.
Your ex will be so dumbfounded that nine times out of ten, they'll agree to give you a second chance.
If this doesn't work, don't panic.
I've recently come across a great book on this subject.
I've reviewed it below.
I think you'll find it quite helpful.
If you want to get your ex back, this simple plan should do it.
To YOUR Relationship Success, Martin J Waterson
When I was younger, I had more breakups than I can count.
Each one was more gut wrenching than the one before it.
I was a stubborn fellow though.
I never gave up.
As a result, I learned a lot about relationships and how to hold onto them.
I am going to share some of what I've learned in my 50 plus years on this rock.
Hopefully, after reading this, you'll be able to get your ex back...
if that's what you really want.
Okay, the first step in this process is to sit down and take stock of the situation.
I know you're not thinking too clearly now but trust me, unless you know what went wrong, you're not going to be able to fix the problem.
And trust me, the problem is not the last fight you had just prior to breaking up.
That was just the culmination of months of problems.
No, you need to get to the heart of what really went wrong.
Sometimes you'll find that you just got tired of each other.
It happens.
After you've figured out what went wrong, the next step is to confront your ex.
Yes, I know this is not something you're looking forward to but patching things up isn't going to work long distance.
You need to call your ex and tell them that you want to talk.
They may be reluctant at first.
That's to be expected.
Just tell them that you're going to make it worth their time.
Before you actually meet with them, you need to clear your head.
I suggest going out and doing some shopping.
Treat yourself to something nice.
You earned it.
At this meeting, which I recommend having at a public place to avoid a scene, simply apologize to your ex for your mistakes (yes, take all the blame and eat some crow) and ask for another chance.
Don't beg, don't carry on and don't make a scene.
Your ex will be so dumbfounded that nine times out of ten, they'll agree to give you a second chance.
If this doesn't work, don't panic.
I've recently come across a great book on this subject.
I've reviewed it below.
I think you'll find it quite helpful.
If you want to get your ex back, this simple plan should do it.
To YOUR Relationship Success, Martin J Waterson