- 1). Arrange to meet with the guy so that you can tell him in person rather than by phone, email or text message. A face-to-face explanation is respectful and humane; this way, the guy will know exactly why you want to end the relationship. However, if the guy has done something as dishonorable as dating another girl on the side, then it's OK to state the reason bluntly and break up with him with a phone call, email or text message.
- 2). Give the guy an honest reason that you wish to break up. The guy could be uninteresting or maybe you find his habits annoying. It doesn't mean you should blurt out "I've never seen a guy as romantically handicapped as you," or "You're disgustingly shy." These types of statements can leave a scar on the person for life. You could say something such as, "We don't connect where it counts, Chris."
- 3). Avoid negotiating with such statements as, "Let's give it a break, Chris. Let's meet after 3 months and see how we feel about each other." You may be doing this to save the guy from the hard blow of your rejection, but it's crueler to encourage him to hope. If you're sure you don't want the relationship to continue, tell him so clearly so that he can get over it and move on.
- 4). Stay calm if the guy turns whiny or angry with your rejection. Listen to him as he vents out his feelings; avoid making defensive statements as they may only aggravate his emotions. Wait for him to calm down, then leave the place.