- Apple proposed elements of the OpenCL standard in 2008. Apple still holds the patent, as of 2010, but since 2008 development of the OpenCL standard has been handled by the Khronos Group. The Khronos Group is made up of a vast number of companies, including Apple, IBM, Intel, Nvidia, Motorola and many others. The first stable release of OpenCL (version 1.1) was unveiled in June 2010.
- OpenCL allows a number of computer applications to access the computer's graphical processing unit (GPU) for tasks unrelated to graphics processing. According to the Khronos Group, OpenCL supports task-based and data-based parallel programming. It uses an ISO C99 subset and defines numerical requirements based on IEEE 754.
- According to Apple, the simple tweaking of small amounts of existing allows programs to adapt to the OpenCL language. The benefit of this approach is that most existing code need not be changed. The Khronos Group says that OpenCL "interoperates" automatically with OpenGL, OpenGL ES and a number of additional graphics APIs.