Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Life Coaching And Its Many-Many-Many-Many Niches

Considering getting a life coach? Not sure if there's a coach who specializes in your particular area of development? Rested assured there is a coach for you.
Just as businesses the world over are narrowing their target markets in areas they specialize in; the same can be said for the life coaching industry.
While many coaches practice under the broad title of life coach, spiritual coach, business coach, or executive coach more and more are defining themselves even further in one or two areas of expertise.
The following are just ten (10) niches coaches now specialize in: parenting, leadership, marketing, romance, marriage, attraction, life purpose, fitness/wellness, fashion, and finally my favorite, vacation coaching.
Yes, that's right, you can work with someone to coach you on planning and enjoying your vacation.
If you think about it, it makes sense for this evolution in the coaching industry to take place.
When we are growing up and are at school we had a gym teacher.
That one person coaches us on all different types of sports and games to play.
Their knowledge helps us to become well rounded in the area of physical education.
I know when I was growing up I loved gym, and thankfully it helped keep my grade point average up when classes such as math and chemistry did not.
Yet, there were some sports that I gravitated towards more and wanted to play at a higher level.
The same thing can be said life coaching.
A life coach can work with you to achieve results in many areas of your personal development such as your work/life balance, commitment to a healthier lifestyle, and creating more wealth.
At the same time, one of your goals or outcomes may lie in a specialized area that you want to attain.
Maybe your sense of style and fashion do not accurately reflect your personality and body.
Continuing with my gym teacher analogy then, a sport I wanted to play at a higher level was soccer, and in order for me to achieve my goal of being a better soccer player I needed to be coached by someone who specialized in it.
So in summer I joined a soccer camp, and when school started back I played on a soccer team after school.
I still had gym class, and continued learning from my gym teacher, but the only way I improved my soccer skills was to learn from a coach in that niche.
If a goal of yours is to have a better sense of style and fashion that best highlight who you are, then a fashion or wardrobe coach is the niche coach you are looking for.
You can still be coached by your life coach, or wait until you've achieved your results with one coach and then collaborate with another.
It's really up to you.
Your coach works with you by - always asking you questions in order for you to discover within yourself the best course of action.
When relevant to achieving your goals a coach shares their knowledge and experience, Finally, together you develop a plan of action and implementation that creates your desired result in an agreed upon time frame.
Remember you can find a coach that specializes in the dream or outcome you want to fulfill.
Brian takes the pass, turns up field, shifts the defender, he shoots...
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