- Create hay-bale borders along the driveway, sidewalks and around trees and flowerbeds. Butt the hay bales tightly against each other and line the area. Place a large pumpkin in the center of each hay bale or every other one. Create a luminary appearance by gutting and carving the pumpkin and inserting battery operated flame-less candles.
- Stack several hay bales into a haphazard shape on your porch or in front of your door. Place some vertical and others horizontally. Create different levels. Scatter large and small pumpkins on and around the hay bales. Toss in some Indian corn for a seasonal centerpiece to your porch.
- Create a hay-bale table and populate it with scarecrows.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Create a picnic table with hay bales. Make the table by setting four hay bales on the ground and stacking another four on top. Set two bales end to end on either side for benches. Fill old clothing with newspapers and hay to make scarecrow people and sit them at the table. Gut a large pumpkin and place a potted mum inside of it for the centerpiece for the table. - Line the hay-bale maze with pumpkins.Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Use hay bales to create a maze in the yard. Lay the hay bales flat on the ground and snug them up against each other tightly. Create a large rectangular parameter first and leave a gap at either end for the entrance and the exit. Use the hay bales to create a pathway from the entrance to the exit and then fill it in with other paths that lead to dead ends. Line the exterior of the maze with pumpkins. Paint or carve the pumpkins and light them with flame-less candles or small flashlights.
Entry Decoration