Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Are You Bitten By Bed Bugs?

Bed bug bites are becoming a common problem these days. The main reason behind the increasing infestation of bed bugs is lack of awareness. We need to educate ourselves about these tiny unpleasant insects. Having knowledge about the symptoms of bed bug infestation and bed bug bites along with the methods of treatments can work a lot to eradicate bed bugs from your place.

Bed bugs are a very ominous nature of pest. Unlike other parasites they suck the blood of human and other mammals. Conventional methods and treatments which are used to kill cockroaches and fleas have no effect on them. Bed bugs have no chewing mouth pieces; therefore you cannot use any type of baits which are normally used to control the proliferation of other parasites. Another uniqueness of bedbugs is that they can live in a dormant state without any feeding for a period of more than a year. It might be the case they exist in an empty house or other building not in use for a long time. As they detect the presence of a live host they become active again, as they can sense the warmth and presence of carbon dioxide which is exhaled by human breathing.

Bed bug bite can cause red, itchy welts or rash on skin. When it comes to the treatment of bed bug bites than, firstly avoid the scratching. If your skin is broken due to scratching, this will allow the infectious bacteria to penetrate into your skin. These bacteria can cause severe skin infection that is because of scratching not because of bed bug bite. Biting bed bugs can cause severe itching after some time, to relieve the itching apply any tropical cream such as cortisone? Bed bugs do not transmit any diseases, but a person bitten by bed bugs can have many other problems- they cause anxiety, stress and discomfort as well as embarrassment of itching and sleeplessness.

Bed bugs usually dwell on the places that remain in contact with human body frequently such as beds, couches, cushions and chairs. It is a general perception that bed bugs are very tiny to be spotted, but the fact is that the adult form of bed bugs can reach up to 5mm inches. The thing which makes them hard to find is that they come out their hiding places in night to suck the blood. While it is difficult to identify bed bug infestation you would be able to find out the traces of their existence. The sign of their presence can include rust colored spots, small fecal matter, or you can sense a pervasive smell of overly ripe raspberries or almonds.

If you are being bitten by bed bugs constantly during the nights, than must hire a team of professionals for complete bed bug eradication. The process of bed bug eradication requires special equipments and skills which a common person does not usually possess. As it is discussed before bed bug cannot be killed by common pest control products such as sprays and powders. The only possible solution is to heat up those places where the bed bug infestation is developing. Professional service providers would treat your home with professional tools and techniques to ensure effective results.

Many service providers own their website on the internet such as bedbugblaster.co.uk. You can visit their website to check out the details of their services and their contact information.
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