Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Best Places To Pick Up Women - Bars and Clubs Not Included

If you've been looking for the best places to pick up women, that doesn't require a visit to your local bar or club, then stop what you're doing and pay attention.
Today, I'll be sharing with you some alternative locations you can pick up women.
Specifically, we'll discuss three locations where women always seem to flock to, which turn out to be great locations to meet beautiful women.
By the time you finish reading this article you'll know 3 of the best place to pick up women anytime, anyplace.
Coffee Shops -- In recent years, coffee shops have become a very popular hang out spot.
Walk into any local or popular coffee shop and you'll see men and women from all walks of life.
Depending on the area you go to, and the time of day, you're almost guaranteed to find beautiful women all over the place in coffee shops.
For example, head to a coffee shop in the morning, in a busy part of town, and you'll see women stopping by to pick up their breakfast before they head to work.
As always, before you approach a woman, establish eye contact, and then say Hi! If she looks like she's going to work, ask her what she does.
Then build the conversations from there and close.
Shopping Plazas -- Another place you're bound to meet beautiful women is at an outdoor shopping plaza.
You've got two options here though.
You can pick up women who work at the plaza or women shopping at the place.
With the workers, you can really have run with them.
Most of them are bored anyway, so they'll appreciate your time.
For women shopping at the mall, the same rules apply.
Just make sure she isn't under-aged, and preferably, not with family.
The Mall -- Lastly, there's the one place that will ALWAYS have women waiting for you to pick them up at.
It's always has been, and always will be one of the best places to pick up women.
Your local mall is a great place to meet women.
The best part of it all is that if they work in the mall, depending on the store you go into, most of them have to approach you, so take advantage of this opportunity and make the most of it.
There will always be women shopping at the mall, and a great time to meet them is when you're in the food court.
You can strike up conversations when you're waiting in line to get your food, or when you take a seat to eat it.
There are plenty of beautiful women all around you, hanging out in the same places you go to.
It's time to open up your eyes and ears and be on the look out for these beautiful women.
You know 3 of the best places to pick up women, but there are plenty of other great places to meet women as well.
You just have to get out and find them.
You can start at coffee shops, shopping plazas, and the malls.
As time goes on you'll find your own best places to pick up women, which will add to your arsenal of best places to pick up women.
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