Travel & Places Fly Fishing

Interesting Facts about Walleye

The walleye is a fascinating fish. The eyes, way of baiting the fish and the spawning habits are interesting facts about the fish. The water that the fish prefer and the habits of the walleye make the fish interesting and a prize catch. Besides being a tasty treat for the table, the walleye is a feisty fish to catch and keep. One thing that is true to any fish including the walleye is the fish is abundant in many waters and cannot past up a food source that is offered to them. However, the most interesting facts about the walleye might surprise you. The fish is the most sought after fish in the nation.

The marble eyes of the walleye have a reflective pigment layer in the retina. This helps the walleye see in dim to dark conditions under water, which gives the fish an advantage over the other fish that they prey on for food. The walleyes eyes are very sensitive to bright light and sunlight will drive the fish deeper into the water to avoid the sun. This is why walleye fishing is the best just before sun up and right after sundown or all day on an overcast day.

Although the walleye have a keen sense of smell and sight, the fish will go after a vibration in murky or strained waters. The walleye will eat almost any fish that crosses the path, but do like May flies, insects, mice, snails, leeches and frogs. In some instances, a walleye has been known to eat small ducks that have ventured onto the water. The best time to bait the walleye is during the spawn when other baitfishes are not abundant because of the weather and water conditions. Walleye are very active feeders during the summer, however, because of the abundance of baitfish during the summer is what slows down the bite for most anglers.

The walleye will spawn just after ice out in about 44 degree water temperatures, but this can be different around the states and Canada. A female walleye can produce about 50,000 eggs, although it has been said that a female can produce as many as 400,000 eggs. The walleye will stay deep in the water until the temperatures start to warm, then the fish slowly moves to the shallows to spawn. The males usually move into the spawning grounds before the females. The spawn can last for one to two weeks depending on the water temperatures. Some male walleye will stay near the spawning grounds for as long as month and then move to waters to feed. The females do not usually feed before the spawn, but when it is over for the female, she feeds in a frenzy.
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