- 1). Measure 6 feet and 6 3/4 inches or 2 meters on one of the boards using the tape measure. Mark it with your pencil. Your board width will depend on your individual needs but the the board thickness needs to be 2 inches, such as a 2-by-4 inch board or 2-by-6 inch board.
- 2). Put on your hearing protection and eye protection. Basic ear plugs and safety glasses will suffice.
- 3). Cut the board at your mark with the miter saw. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 with the other two boards.
- 4). Lay one board on top of another. Make sure that they match up exactly.
- 5). Drive a 10d nail through the top board into the bottom board with the hammer. Put your first nail near one end, a little off center. Move down your board about 12 inches and drive another nail on the opposite side of center of your board. Continue driving nails in this manner until you reach the other end of your board.
- 6). Flip the nailed together boards over and lay the third board on top of them the same way you did with the two boards.
- 7). Drive a 10d nail through the top board into the middle board with the hammer. Put your first nail near one end, a little off center. Move down your board about 12 inches and drive another nail on the opposite side of center of your board. Continue driving nails in this manner until you reach the other end of your board.
- 8). Trim the ends of your 2 meter beam even with the miter saw if necessary. You shouldn't have to, but if your boards are not equal it might be necessary. Your 2 meter beam is now ready for use.