Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How To Flirt With Women, For Guys

If you try to amp up an otherwise boring conversation by adding some bad jokes, most women will slot you in the average boring guy category.
This doesn't have to be.
Most men, I have observed do not know how to effectively flirt with women to create attraction.
In fact, most men are clueless, but it's not their fault; it's what mainstream society will have you believe.
Flirting is easy to learn actually: it's a combo of dominance mixed with sexual playfulness.
Male Dominance What flirting does is it sets the frame that you are the dominant one and that she is the subordinate.
The frame is set in a dominant but playful way.
The situation will create instant attraction.
Study the following: -Women instinctively want the men to take control of most everything.
-A woman hates it when a man is a "pushover" and she can dominate the conversation and guide it.
-Women will test you to see if you won't take her silly behavior and to see if you are a man.
Things like, "I have a boyfriend.
" Why are you talking to me.
" "Buy me a drink.
" Bullshit like that.
Don't take her baloney, and if she gives you an insult, put her in her place with her own medicine: call her a "dork," "Brat," or tell her to stop acting "creepy.
" If a woman says that she has a boyfriend say this: "Thank god, I thought you were hitting on me.
" Show your dominance but at the same time be playful with her.
You will attract women if you flirt this way.
Making Women The Subordinates Take the lead as a man for god's sake.
Treat women like little mischievous girls and control the frame that they are hitting on you.
You on the other hand have the frame that you are a sophisticated man that is past all of that nonsense and that while they amuse you, you will put them in their place, but playfully.
Have naughty banter lines already lined up.
* You are such a dork! * You are trouble, I can tell.
* You're such a girl.
* I knew a girl that had the same shaped head as you, and she was trouble.
* You are such a brat.
* I don't know who your boyfriend is, but he doesn't spank you enough.
These pick up lines work: Say these as replies to what women say to you.
Remember to have the over all frame that she is pursuing you; if you do this right, she can't help but go on a date with you.
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