Health & Medical Self-Improvement

What Price Does Prejudice Cost You?

There are over 6 billion people currently trying to live on this planet, and untold species besides us.
We have come to believe that we are the most important species here on earth, and yet, as we go about our daily lives, we reject the vast majority of our fellow men as we deem them different and therefore unsafe.
We generally learn to believe in the religion or culture that we are brought up in because this is all we know.
To want to be the same as everyone else around us is a survival instinct.
Should you stand out too much, your safety is not guaranteed, so conforming is a good idea when we are learning to survive in this world.
However, as we learn, grow, and explore this wonderful planet that we call home, we encounter people that do not hold our beliefs, or share our religion, and the instinctive reaction is to reject what we see.
The main reason that we reject other beliefs systems and customs is due to fear.
These people are different to me, and therefore I feel unsafe.
My peers belief X, and so X must be what I believe as this includes me and I am safe.
The issue comes when we consider what we believe to be right, and what "they" believe to be wrong.
Instead of looking into what they believe and seeing them as people just like us, we write them off instantly and deprive ourselves of whatever it is that they may be able to teach us.
Insert here - "All____ are____"- do you ever catch yourself saying this? What is it that you write off? Women, gays, blacks, whites, Muslims, children, men, tall people, fat people, Europeans, Americans, Catholics, Jews, rich people, foreigners, drug addicts, people better off, people worse off..
? Are you as tolerant as you think you are? Have you ever written someone off, and then got to know them and suddenly, you see a whole different person? The likely hood is that the person has remained exactly the same throughout, you are just looking at them through different, kinder eyes.
Despite our perceived differences, most humans simply long to be loved, respected, accepted, and happy.
Regardless of beliefs systems, cultures, country borders, or religion, behind all of that, everyone is just like you and me.
We are all experiencing pain, sadness, joy, and love in varying degrees and we are all just doing the best we can to survive and thrive here on earth.
Open your heart to the people you do not understand.
Open your mind to the person in front of you, who may look different, but is just the same inside.
Where you can love and accept all your neighbours, you can truly love and accept yourself.
You are worth it.
Written by Caroline Nettle Please retweet this article.
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