Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Get a Guy to Notice You - The Fast and Easy Way to Land Your Dream Man!

I have this friend and she is always talking about trying to find her dream man, but the funny thing is that she has no idea what she is looking for.
Many women face this issue and need help understanding what it takes to get the guy you dream of into your life.
You need to know how to get a guy to notice you and more.
There are certain things you can do to help attract the type of guy you are after and there are certain things you should avoid if you want to attract the right type of guy for you.
Here are some helpful tips that you can use to ensure that you get the guy of your dreams sooner rather than later.
Go to the Correct Places to find that Guy One of the biggest mistakes that my friend makes is she likes to frequent places that are horrible for meeting the right type of guy.
She frequents bars and is also constantly trying to date her co workers.
It is usually a drunken night that turns into a one night stand, then into a relationship.
Then, she calls me up a few weeks later wanting to know why he has cheated on her, left her, or has done something else to hurt her.
She has yet to put it together, even though I continually remind her of it, that the guys she is choosing are only after one thing and do not want more than that.
They stick around long enough to get what they want and get bored with it, then they move on.
Instead of frequenting bars, night clubs, and dating co workers you should be looking into joining groups, leagues, and doing things that you enjoy.
If you love sports, then get involved in some co ed sporting leagues.
This is where you can meet a guy with the same interests as you.
If you enjoy writing, then go take a writing class for adults and you might just meet a guy that enjoys writing.
If you are religious, then get very involved with your church and you might meet a guy that shares your same beliefs.
The bottom line is you need to go do things you like and the guy of your dreams will come along sooner or later.
How to Get a Guy to Notice You You can increase your chances of meeting the guy of your dreams by learning how to get a guy to notice you once you are doing the things that you enjoy.
The first thing you should do is put on the outfit and the make up that makes you feel like you are the most beautiful woman you possibly can be.
This will help go get him to notice you because you will be walking around with a specific type of confidence that is very magnetic.
You will be amazed at the people that will notice you when you are feeling your best.
You can also do a few other things to help him notice you.
If you already have in picked out or as soon as you do have him picked out you can make sure to cross his path as much as possible and give him a few compliments on what he is doing or on his shirt.
Just make sure the compliments are sincere and show him that you are noticing him.
This is important because once you notice him he will be more likely to notice you.
Sealing the Deal with your Dream Man The last thing you must be able to do is seal the deal.
Once you have the guy picked out and you get him to notice you, then you have to either make your move or hope he makes his.
There is a fine line where he is either just not going to make a move or he is not interested.
You need to be the aggressor once you get to this point.
If he does not make his move after you have made it perfectly clear that you are interested, then be very up front and just tell him you are interested and you want him.
This can be a very big turn on for a guy because it shows you have confidence and you are not afraid to be the one to make the first move, if necessary.
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