- 1). Open your image editor and load the photos you want to print. Select "File > New" to create a new image with a white background that has the same dimensions as the paper you want to print on.
- 2). Chose the first photo you want to work with. Open the "Image Size" dialogue located in the "Image" menu. Set the resolution to between 200 and 300 pixels per inch, depending on the quality of the original photo. If you have a good camera that shoots 8-10 megapixels or more, you should have no trouble with a resolution of 300. A lesser quality camera requires a lower resolution. Click "OK."
- 3). Select the crop tool from the toolbar. In the tool options, make sure the dropdown box next to width and height is set to "inches." Enter the size you want the picture to print at. Click and drag the cursor to select your photo. The crop tool will automatically set the selection box's dimensions based on the numbers you entered in width and height. When the image is located within the cropping rectangle, press "Enter."
- 4). Press "Ctrl + A" to select all of your image. Press "Ctrl + C" or choose "Copy" from the "Edit" menu. Open the window for the blank canvas you created and press "Ctrl + V" or choose "Paste" from the "Edit" menu. Position the picture near the bottom of the canvas by clicking on it and dragging.
- 5). Repeat steps 2-4 for any other images you want to add to the printout. Each time you paste a new image onto the canvas, the program will automatically make a new layer for it. This allows you to move each individual picture around your canvas and place them all back-to-back. Position each image as desired and print the image when ready.