Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How Do I Make a Guy Badly Want Me After Some Casual Dating? This Will Get Him Hooked Real Fast

You might have been casually dating a guy but when you want to win him over after the dating you should be prepared.
You'll have a lot of convincing to do and make him search his soul to see that you are more than a beer and bed buddy.
Here are a few ways to win over the guy you've been casually dating.
Use the information that you've gathered This is the best time to use the information that you have gathered about him and bring it to good use.
Since you have been casually dating you will know all about the things that he likes and doesn't.
So getting him to like you more becomes easy.
Don't work too hard While you do need to work hard to win him over make sure you don't go overboard trying to do so.
He shouldn't feel that you have something up your sleeve.
So use the nude make up trick...
you're actually wearing makeup but nobody gets to know.
Get him to miss you a bit Hanging around him at all times isn't really a great way to assert your importance in his life.
So at times you have to make yourself unavailable for him.
It might even help to take off for a couple of days and give him some alone time.
You'll notice a change when you get back.
Make him feel like you enrich his life Since you already know a lot about him you also know what else he needs in his life to make it feel richer and complete.
Take it upon yourself (in a non pressuring manner) to enrich his life and make him see that you both can contribute significantly to each other's life.
Punctuate your activities All couples spend time together.
But you should make sure that the time that you spend together is quality time and is also a whole lot of fun.
While making out will be a part of your hanging out diet, punctuate it with some fun activities and cerebral conversation.
Connect at different levels It's not just the physical level that you need to connect with.
Make your guy see that you are connecting at all the other levels as well.
The best way of doing so is by being a good listener.
Not only do you get to know him better, you also grow closer.
Get him to depend on you Make him see that you are a dependable person, are open and honest.
When he sees all these traits in you he will be won over by you completely.
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