Did he just dump you...
? Are you NOT having "the time of your life" being an ex...
? Excuse my sarcasm today, I know it's not very appropriate just when you are going through such an emotional and painful time after a break up, but...
I thought I'd mention several big "NOT-TO's", that unfortunately almost everyone else is making after a breakup, but which will only push your ex farther away from you...
Making mistakes now will only make it harder to get your ex back later...
Here we go: Mistake #1 to avoid: Calling your ex constantly and swamping them with attention.
- Stop it right there! I know..
I know..
it's very hard...
, I have been there too and it's so difficult to resist...
I am not saying it's easy, but..
It's a very critical step to increase your chances for getting your ex back.
Avoiding contact with your ex after a break up for few weeks (about a month) will do wonders for making you MORE attractive to them! You see...
even if your ex is mad with you or you have done something bad...
they still have strong feelings for you and will soon begin to miss you! If you don't let them miss you for a while, they'll not regard you as so unique anymore.
You will need to contact them eventually, but not in the beginning.
Don't pressure them or you will only confirm their decision to break up with you.
Mistake #2 to avoid: Sitting around at home in the dark crying, watching useless telly programs to fill your day and waiting for the situation to resolve itself.
I feel you..
it's not your fault and it's easy for me to say "don't sit around depressed..
don't cry...
etc" when I'm not in your situation, but..
it's something so true and so universal.
You'll not make anything better by sitting around and forcing yourself to feel worse anyway...
on the contrary.
What you should do instead is exactly the opposite! You should try to FORCE yourself and get out there with friends and really look after yourself and just get in shape a bit, put on some new clothes etc.
Think about it..
word will likely come round to your ex eventually also that you are coping well and that you look after yourself and this will be a big turn-on.
what would a person find more attractive..
someone who is in control, strong and making the best out of a given situation no matter how hard..
someone who is just waiting around for a miracle and feeling sorry for themselves...
Mistake #3 to avoid: Taking up the "bottle" ..
Well, this could help you in the first two hours..
however you won't fix the pain or your depression and more importantly..
it's not going to help you make your ex want to come back to you at all.
At best, your ex is just going to feel sorry for you and say one or two "lies" to comfort you, but...
you can never get a working relationship back on track that way.
What you really want is make them realize that you are special and independent so they will WANT to come back to you.
I know this list is far from exhaustive and I'm not a know-it-all person, but..
if you'd like some more tips from someone who knows what he's talking about, check out the site below for a bunch of free tips and step-by-step information on getting your ex lover back.
Best of luck!
? Are you NOT having "the time of your life" being an ex...
? Excuse my sarcasm today, I know it's not very appropriate just when you are going through such an emotional and painful time after a break up, but...
I thought I'd mention several big "NOT-TO's", that unfortunately almost everyone else is making after a breakup, but which will only push your ex farther away from you...
Making mistakes now will only make it harder to get your ex back later...
Here we go: Mistake #1 to avoid: Calling your ex constantly and swamping them with attention.
- Stop it right there! I know..
I know..
it's very hard...
, I have been there too and it's so difficult to resist...
I am not saying it's easy, but..
It's a very critical step to increase your chances for getting your ex back.
Avoiding contact with your ex after a break up for few weeks (about a month) will do wonders for making you MORE attractive to them! You see...
even if your ex is mad with you or you have done something bad...
they still have strong feelings for you and will soon begin to miss you! If you don't let them miss you for a while, they'll not regard you as so unique anymore.
You will need to contact them eventually, but not in the beginning.
Don't pressure them or you will only confirm their decision to break up with you.
Mistake #2 to avoid: Sitting around at home in the dark crying, watching useless telly programs to fill your day and waiting for the situation to resolve itself.
I feel you..
it's not your fault and it's easy for me to say "don't sit around depressed..
don't cry...
etc" when I'm not in your situation, but..
it's something so true and so universal.
You'll not make anything better by sitting around and forcing yourself to feel worse anyway...
on the contrary.
What you should do instead is exactly the opposite! You should try to FORCE yourself and get out there with friends and really look after yourself and just get in shape a bit, put on some new clothes etc.
Think about it..
word will likely come round to your ex eventually also that you are coping well and that you look after yourself and this will be a big turn-on.
what would a person find more attractive..
someone who is in control, strong and making the best out of a given situation no matter how hard..
someone who is just waiting around for a miracle and feeling sorry for themselves...
Mistake #3 to avoid: Taking up the "bottle" ..
Well, this could help you in the first two hours..
however you won't fix the pain or your depression and more importantly..
it's not going to help you make your ex want to come back to you at all.
At best, your ex is just going to feel sorry for you and say one or two "lies" to comfort you, but...
you can never get a working relationship back on track that way.
What you really want is make them realize that you are special and independent so they will WANT to come back to you.
I know this list is far from exhaustive and I'm not a know-it-all person, but..
if you'd like some more tips from someone who knows what he's talking about, check out the site below for a bunch of free tips and step-by-step information on getting your ex lover back.
Best of luck!