Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Get Him to Want You Back? Because One Sided Attraction Never Works Out

So you've broken up-it's a painful experience that most people have to go through.
Excruciating as it is, you need to get up and fight back the tears if you want to win back your ex.
Step 1: Get Out If you want to be with your ex once more, you should let go of the pain and start living your life.
There's nothing more pathetic than for him to see you moping all day.
You have to show him that you've still got what it takes to be attractive to the opposite sex.
Once he sees that you've taken charge of your life, he would most likely get in touch with you once more.
Step 2: Don't Harass Him Since you have broken up, you no longer have any right to pester him with your unending phone calls, text messages, or emails-doing so is plain harassment.
Instead, let him take his time in analyzing what went wrong, as you should also do.
Step 3: Don't Make Him Look Like the Bad Guy Even if it means gaining your friends' and relatives' sympathy, saying terrible things about your ex-partner just isn't right.
If you want him back, then saying awful things about him or your relationship would only hurt him more and it would result into him-running farther and farther away from you.
Step 4: Allow Him to Have Privacy You're no longer his girlfriend so accept that fact.
If he wants space, then you must give that to him.
Don't always be at places where he goes to just so you could see him or talk with him.
This would only make you look pathetic and desperate so don't go into such an awkward situation.
Step 5: Never Make Him Jealous Too many women have been misguided by thinking that making their ex jealous would make him want to get back together.
More often than not, your ex might feel that he's no longer wanted so he might move on.
Doing this only ruins the slim chances that you have in getting him back.
Step 6: Act Don't Talk If your ex already found a new girlfriend, it's not wise to contact the girl and explain to her how you'd get your ex back.
This will only make him think less of you.
Instead, if you want to steal him back, just act on it.
If the girl's pretty-be prettier; if she's known to be smart, then outwit her with your charm and confidence.
It's all about showing your ex what he just gave up.
Step 7: Get In Touch At the end of his alone time, you might want to contact him and seriously discuss the matter.
You must be able to assess what went wrong in the relationship and both of you must agree to meet halfway.
If he's still willing to work things out, make sure that you do better this time.
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