- 1). Place a bullet-weight mould on a sturdy work surface. Use a work bench, or place a small sheet of plywood on the work surface to protect it from heat and spills.
- 2). Position the bullet-weight mould on the work surface. Close the two halves of the mould together, and clamp them securely. Use the attached screws -- or a wood clamp -- to hold the two halves of the mould together.
- 3). Light an outdoor camp stove following the manufacturer's directions. Adjust the heat to a medium-high setting. Place a hand-held melting-pot on the grill above the burner.
- 4). Put on leather gloves, a face mask and safety glasses. Place pieces of lead pipe, strips of lead or lead ingots in the pot.
- 5). Allow the lead to heat and melt. Remove the hand-held melting-pot from the stove. Slowly and carefully move the pot to the mould. Pour the lead into the mould cavities until filled. Set the pot aside; allow the mould to cool for at least 30 minutes.
- 6). Open the mould to expose the bullet weights inside. Remove the weights. Trim excess lead from the weights with scissors.