First things first, lift your head up, stand up, now scream out loud "SHE BROKE MY HEART"..
Now do you feel better? Chances are that made you feel a little empowered.
Now that you have little gusto behind you, stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Realize that you are not the first one this has happened too and you will not be the last.
Chances are, this might not even be the first time this has happened to you.
She may have done this before or someone else has done this to you.
If this is the last time your heart is broken for the duration of your life, than consider yourself lucky.
However, you can learn from this and if it happens again, you will know how to handle it a little better.
Remember it is not the end of the world.
You may feel terrible and think there will never be another but let me tell you from experience, there will be another.
Those terrible feelings you have, will eventually go away.
Time heals everything, even a broken heart.
Although it may seem like the most gut wrenching process a person can go through, it's true; time will heal a broken heart.
Now that you see there may be hope in this time of doom and gloom in your life, here is some even better news.
There are more fish in the sea.
Even though at this time, you may think she is the only one for you and you may even feel you will never find another.
My friend, you will never find another if you choose to never find another.
However, statistics show that women outnumber men nearly 2 to 1 in the world.
So, if you want to take a chance, than the odds are in your favor that you will find another.
However, I will say this: "Time is the key, do it when you're ready, and not a second sooner".
Now while you may have been crying to your buddies and crying "she broke my heart", you may come to find out that it was a blessing in disguise.
You might find out she is not the person you thought she was.
Now, again, the key is time.
Let things work them self out.
After some time, and plenty of thinking; you might just find out that she is not the person you should be with.
Thank your lucky stars and cast your fishing net out into that vast sea of the opposite sex.
Now do you feel better? Chances are that made you feel a little empowered.
Now that you have little gusto behind you, stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Realize that you are not the first one this has happened too and you will not be the last.
Chances are, this might not even be the first time this has happened to you.
She may have done this before or someone else has done this to you.
If this is the last time your heart is broken for the duration of your life, than consider yourself lucky.
However, you can learn from this and if it happens again, you will know how to handle it a little better.
Remember it is not the end of the world.
You may feel terrible and think there will never be another but let me tell you from experience, there will be another.
Those terrible feelings you have, will eventually go away.
Time heals everything, even a broken heart.
Although it may seem like the most gut wrenching process a person can go through, it's true; time will heal a broken heart.
Now that you see there may be hope in this time of doom and gloom in your life, here is some even better news.
There are more fish in the sea.
Even though at this time, you may think she is the only one for you and you may even feel you will never find another.
My friend, you will never find another if you choose to never find another.
However, statistics show that women outnumber men nearly 2 to 1 in the world.
So, if you want to take a chance, than the odds are in your favor that you will find another.
However, I will say this: "Time is the key, do it when you're ready, and not a second sooner".
Now while you may have been crying to your buddies and crying "she broke my heart", you may come to find out that it was a blessing in disguise.
You might find out she is not the person you thought she was.
Now, again, the key is time.
Let things work them self out.
After some time, and plenty of thinking; you might just find out that she is not the person you should be with.
Thank your lucky stars and cast your fishing net out into that vast sea of the opposite sex.