It was heated.
It was intense.
Hurtful words were exchanged.
Then you realize that the honeymoon was definitely over and the real work of marriage began.
Being in relationships means being in conflict once in a while.
You and your soul mate may be in sync most of the time but there's always room for a difference in opinion.
Since conflict can't be avoided, the next best thing is to manage it.
Here are a few pointers when the kid gloves come out: Don't go to your parents.
They will always side on you, their dear child.
This will not be fair to your partner.
Worse, it could fan out into an ugly family feud.
Don't go to your friends.
Again, they will take sides, which will only harm your marriage.
Show your pals that you are both working hard in resolving the problem.
Don't let it get any bigger.
If it's a problem about the plumbing, need to drag in the rest of the house or the holiday plans.
See the source of the conflict and deal with it immediately.
Do pray about it.
Keep the faith and reconnect to the true source of love.
Praying will put you in a state of humility and forgiveness -vital ingredients in strong relationships.
Do handle it with a cool head.
Take a couple of hours off to shake off the anger.
Listen well.
Choose the right words before speaking.
Do get outside help.
If the problem is too big, seek help from counselors or ministers.
They are in the best position to see things objectively.
It was intense.
Hurtful words were exchanged.
Then you realize that the honeymoon was definitely over and the real work of marriage began.
Being in relationships means being in conflict once in a while.
You and your soul mate may be in sync most of the time but there's always room for a difference in opinion.
Since conflict can't be avoided, the next best thing is to manage it.
Here are a few pointers when the kid gloves come out: Don't go to your parents.
They will always side on you, their dear child.
This will not be fair to your partner.
Worse, it could fan out into an ugly family feud.
Don't go to your friends.
Again, they will take sides, which will only harm your marriage.
Show your pals that you are both working hard in resolving the problem.
Don't let it get any bigger.
If it's a problem about the plumbing, need to drag in the rest of the house or the holiday plans.
See the source of the conflict and deal with it immediately.
Do pray about it.
Keep the faith and reconnect to the true source of love.
Praying will put you in a state of humility and forgiveness -vital ingredients in strong relationships.
Do handle it with a cool head.
Take a couple of hours off to shake off the anger.
Listen well.
Choose the right words before speaking.
Do get outside help.
If the problem is too big, seek help from counselors or ministers.
They are in the best position to see things objectively.