Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Win Your Ex Back

It's a daunting task to win your ex boyfriend back, but not impossible. It's going to take patience, time and courage to save your relationship, but will be worth it in the long run. If in your heart you know he is the right person for you and you believe you are the right person for him, then it can still happen, but you need to be honest with yourself and walk away if you know it is all one-sided. It can take some time, especially if he is already involved with someone else, but hopefully these tips will help you along your way.

You need to assess where the relationship went wrong. That doesn't mean laying blame; you must learn and grow from the experience. Obviously there was a problem and you need to analysis this in order to learn from it and move on. Think about where it went wrong, what were the issues and how can you grow as a person in order not to repeat the same mistakes in any future reconciliation.

Work on yourself as a first step, become confident in yourself and learn to love and accept yourself. Maybe have a little make-over and give yourself that glamorous, looking good feeling. Feeling good about yourself goes a long way in making people feel good around you. Men like attractive looking girls and normally look at the physical first before getting to know you, work on your outward beauty, so that he craves having you on his arm, showing you off.

Be positive in your outlook, show optimism and a positive loving attitude. No one likes to be around spiteful, bitter and jaded people after a break up. Show respect and be mature in your dealing with him, even thought things don't seem to be going your way - be nice, speak from the heart and walk away if things aren't going too well. Leave it for another time. If you get back into the habit of complaining and being depressed and clingy around him, it make you unattractive to him and only pushes him away more. Make the effort to have pride in yourself, make an effort in dealing with him in a positive and enthusiastic manner as these qualities can move mountains.

Keep your self-esteem, don't start to stalk him or continually text and call him - this won't bring him back to you but rather push him further away. Give him a challenge, work on yourself as above and be a little hard to get, let him miss you. Be your own person, don't appear needy, act as if you aren't desperate to get him back, but on the other hand let him know in a subtle way that you would like to give it another try - but only if he is willing. Don't push it.

Don't get involved with alcohol, as this clouds your mind and you may start sprouting hatred, depression and loneliness, which is detrimental to your cause. You can't guarantee what will come out of your mouth, as words spoken in haste or under the influence of alcohol can come back to haunt you down the track. If you partake in any alcohol, don't call him, go home and sleep it off before you go anywhere near him.

Another tip, is that men love to be adored. Tell him how special and how clever he can be - let him know he is loved and that you are loyal to him. If the breakup had anything to do with things you had done to him, make sure you apologise and talk about how and why it happened. Let him know he is very important to you and that you would love to give it another go, with some well-meaning changes. Then if you do get him back, treat him like a king and watch him purrr. Forget the women's lib crap, bring him his slippers and pamper him and he is all yours.

You can make it happen, if it is the right relationship to be in. It may take a little time and effort, but if he is important to you and he is who you really want, then he is worth fighting for. Put on your best face and get to work. Good Luck
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