- 1). Open the upper flue damper in the chimney. You must have a full draw of the flue or else you will have a smoky mess filling your home.
- 2). Lay two of the largest fireplace logs side-by-side, 12 to 18 inches apart. The ends of the logs should face toward you. This is the base on to which the fire will be built.
- 3). Use the newspaper and begin to build the ignition part of the fire. Crumple four half-pages of the newspaper and lay them in the center of the two logs.
- 4). Roll three more newspaper half-sheets, wide side, into a tight roll. Lay these three paper rolls evenly across the crumpled paper pile.
- 5). Begin with the driest and smallest pieces of kindling or twigs and lay a thin layer perpendicularly across and over the paper rolls.
- 6). Apply another layer on top of the first layer of twigs or kindling, again across the first layer in a crosshatch pattern. Perform this stack method until you have reached a four-layer crisscross of small twigs and kindling.
- 7). Lay four of five of the 2-inch diameter logs across the two hearth-lying 6-inch logs. The 2-inch logs should span over the kindling "layer" of newspaper and twigs. It is okay if the kindling pile touches the 2-inch logs that lay atop the pile.
- 8). Light the crumpled newspaper in three locations around the pile with the safety matches. Depending on the dryness of the twigs and kindling, the fire should come to life very quickly.
- 9). Add more wood on top of the fire as a red coal base forms.