Pets & Animal: How to Train Problem Horses

How to Train Problem Horses

Horses, like people, have unique personalities. While some can be easily trained and are productive, others are stubborn and need special training to make them docile and calmer. In the Old West, cowboys would "break" a horse by trying to dominate it. Modern animal laws prohibit beating or abusing a

Pets & Animal: Curtsey to the Countryside - Fanfares Over Fields and Footpaths

Curtsey to the Countryside - Fanfares Over Fields and Footpaths

Taking a horse ride through the countryside is perhaps one of the best ways to have fun. Alongside caring for your horse and undertaking basic horse maintenance, such as purchasing equine wormers, it is important to take the appropriate precautions.

Pets & Animal: How to Teach Horses to Step on a Tarp in-Hand

How to Teach Horses to Step on a Tarp in-Hand

Training your horse to do things that are against his instincts is a challenge for even the most experienced horse person. If a thing is strange, has a weird smell or makes scary noises, a horse will not want to approach it, much less stand on it.

Pets & Animal: Is Tape More Visible to a Horse Than Wire?

Is Tape More Visible to a Horse Than Wire?

The question is often asked if horses can see electric fencing tape better than standard fencing wire and the probable answer is yes, the question whether they can see wire AT ALL is a different one and the answer is generally based on quotes from "experts". This is much the same as the id

Pets & Animal: How to Train a Horse from Leaning When Walking Him

How to Train a Horse from Leaning When Walking Him

All horses should be taught to walk quietly on a lead beside their handlers. A horse that charges ahead or leans on the handler while walking can be very dangerous, and it is important to stop this habit from developing. If you do have a horse that leans or charges ahead, you need to deal with the i

Pets & Animal: The Signs of Fluid in the Lungs of a Cat

The Signs of Fluid in the Lungs of a Cat

Your cat's lungs may fill with fluid for a number of reasons, but learning the signs can help you get your pet help before more serious health consequences set in. Cat lungs oxygenate blood and remove carbon dioxide the same way that human lungs do. When they become filled with fluid, the result is

Pets & Animal: How to Use Mecate With a Snaffle Bit

How to Use Mecate With a Snaffle Bit

Mecate reins have been used as a horse training and working tool for centuries. The mecate (pronounced muh-caw-tee) or McCarty rein is a line of about 22 feet made of rope or braided animal hair, usually horse hair, that is attached to either a bosal noseband or a snaffle bit. One end of the mecate

Pets & Animal: How To Tell if Your Mare is Pregnant and Why It's Important

How To Tell if Your Mare is Pregnant and Why It's Important

Are you wondering if your mare is pregnant? Here's the best way to determine if your mare is going to have a foal, and why it's very important to find out early. Learn if your mare is pregnant to give her the best mare care to raise a healthy foal.

Pets & Animal: What Is the Difference Between a Hay Tedder & a Hay Rake?

What Is the Difference Between a Hay Tedder & a Hay Rake?

Farmers have a variety of choices for equipment that rakes, spreads and merges hay before baling. They must consider crop yield, harvest losses, contamination of the crop and drying time when deciding which machinery will best suite their needs.

Pets & Animal: How to Put a Halter on After Catching the Horse

How to Put a Halter on After Catching the Horse

Horse owners or caretakers will frequently have the need to put a halter on their horse when bringing them in from the pasture. A halter is headgear that fits over the back of the neck and across the muzzle used to guide the horse. The possibility of the halter getting caught or entangled on the hor

Pets & Animal: How to Train a Horse to Jump Fences

How to Train a Horse to Jump Fences

For equestrians looking to show horses in competitions, jumping fences is an integral part of any routine or skill set. Teaching a horse to jump is a matter of gradually introducing larger and larger obstacles into the horse's path until the desired results, or fence heights, are gained. With a watc

Pets & Animal: Tips on Building a Horse Barn With an Upstairs Apartment

Tips on Building a Horse Barn With an Upstairs Apartment

There are two main ways to approach building a horse barn with an upstairs apartment. You can erect a building that largely replicates a traditional domestic block and brick dwelling. Alternatively, you can create a lighter building using engineered trusses. These are strong but light, pre-formed wo

Pets & Animal: Help Your New Horse and Other Animal Companions Get Along

Help Your New Horse and Other Animal Companions Get Along

When you bring your new horse home, you aren't the only family member that it will get to know. Here's what you need to learn about introducing your horse to four-legged companions like cats, dogs, goats and pigs.

Pets & Animal: Cutting a Bridle Path

Cutting a Bridle Path

A bridle path refers to a trimmed area of mane behind a horse’s ears. The bridle path is trimmed on different riding horses to prevent it from getting twisted in the mane hairs. Cutting a bridle path also keeps the horse looking neat. It is trimmed to prevent discomfort when it gets tangled in

Pets & Animal: Hard Seat Vs. Regular Seat Cutting Saddles

Hard Seat Vs. Regular Seat Cutting Saddles

Western saddles can be purchased with either a hard or soft (i.e., padded) seat from a variety of saddle manufacturers. In some cases, the same saddle will come with the option to select a hard seat or a regular seat.

Pets & Animal: Equine Massage Regulations in Australia

Equine Massage Regulations in Australia

Massage is an excellent way to improve a horse's image by Dragomir Uzunov from Fotolia.comCompetitive equestrian sports can take a toll on both the rider and horse, psychologically as well as physically. While riders have more access to physical therapists and psychological...

Pets & Animal: RFDTV Horse Trainer

RFDTV Horse Trainer

It was brought to my attention recently that there are many people "training" horses and calling themselves professionals on a resume full of RFDTV. Don't get me wrong, I think all horse owners should learn as much as they can about their equine partners, however, when it comes to tra

Pets & Animal: Photo of Patience

Photo of Patience

Horse photo gallery of About Horses and Ponies readers' horses and ponies. This online album contains photos of readers horses and ponies. Horse pictures and digital artwork. Submit your horse photo for inclusion in the My Horse Photo Gallery. Enjoy these horse photos and stories. Photo of Pati

Pets & Animal: How to Measure the Girth for a English Saddle

How to Measure the Girth for a English Saddle

Properly fitted tack is vital to a safe and enjoyable ride with your horse. Tack that is improperly fitted can cause behavioral problems with your horse as well as an accident for you. Both English and Western saddle girths and cinches are measured in the same manner.

Pets & Animal: How to Put in Breakaway Bungees in Horse Trailers

How to Put in Breakaway Bungees in Horse Trailers

A horse trailer is a small confined space, and it can be dangerous if a horse panics and pulls back in that environment. That is why many trailer ties are designed with breakaway snaps that give way if the horse panics and pulls back hard. When the horse is just standing or leaning against the bunge