Pets & Animal Horses

Horse Mane Pulling: How to Do It

Horse mane pulling is the process by which you remove the longer hairs in your horse's mane so that they are all one length.
The reason that you would want to do it is so that the mane looks good.
There is really no other reason to do it as it does not help with keeping the hair healthy or make it grow any better.
If you are planning to show your horse it is pretty much a requirement, even if you aren't it is still nice to keep your horse looking his best.
The actual procedure for pulling a horse mane is pretty simple, all you do is take a section of the mane, about three inches is good, and grab a hold of it.
You will then want to brush the hair going towards the necks so that you can find the longest hairs.
You will then take those hairs and wrap them around the handle of the brush and pull them out.
You have to make sure that you are pulling them out by the root.
You will need to repeat the procedure a couple of times for each section of hair before moving on to next one.
After you have done a few sections of hair you are going to want to brush out the mane to see how it looks before you continue on.
What you are looking for is to make sure that the hair is even and that it looks good.
The last thing that you want is to find that you have sections that are uneven that require you to go back and do the whole thing.
Needless to say having his mane pulled is not the most enjoyable experience for your horse so you will want to make sure that you make it as easy as possible for him.
The procedure is not painful for him but most horses do find it to be annoying.
The best thing that you can do to make it easy for your horse is to pull the hair on a regular basis.
Having small amounts pulled on a regular basis is a lot easier for him than having a lot of it pulled at once.
If you do have to pull a lot of hairs at once it is best to pull a small amount of each section and work your way down the mane and then come back and do it again.
This will be easier on the horse and if you do have to stop part way through won't leave you with a whole bunch of uneven sections.
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