Pets & Animal Horses

What Type of Horse Feed and Supplements Does an Aging Horse Require?

As your horse ages, his body will begin to function less effectively.
He may not be able to properly graze or chew his food due to deteriorating teeth, may suffer from joint problems like arthritis, or may have a harder time maintaining a weight that will keep him warm.
It is your job, as a horse owner, to care for your aging horse and do your best to prevent and eliminate certain problems they are prone to.
With the right horse feed and supplements, you'll be able to take the right steps to ensure his quality of life.
What Types of Horse Feed is Best for Your Aging Horse? There are several types of horse feed that should be part of a healthy diet.
  • Pasture- One of the most important types of horse feed is quality pasture.
    Many of the nutrients your horse needs can be found from this source.
    However, many older horses have a difficult time maintaining the correct weight and grazing effectively with deteriorating teeth or a compromised digestive system, so this feed might not be enough.
  • Hay- For many domestic horses, hay is a staple of a normal diet.
    However, before you purchase hay for your aging horse, you must make sure it is a high quality.
    Quality hay will help aid a older horse's digestive system, and should be green and free of mould and dust.
  • Concentrates-Grains, manufactured feeds, and sweet feeds are also an important part of a horse's diet.
Horse Supplements With Your Horse Feed Supplementing your horse's diet is also an essential part of keeping your aging horse healthy and happy.
While you might think your horse is obtaining all of the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals he needs from the food he is eating, this is not always the case.
Here are a few supplements you may need to incorporate into your horse's diet.
  • Joint Supplements- Older horses often suffer from joint problems, such as arthritis and degenerative joint disease.
    Joint supplements can help you prevent and even reduce the symptoms associated with these issues, like swelling, joint pain, and inflammation in the joints.
    These supplements also have ingredients like MSM and glucosamine, which help to build muscles, improve mobility, and improve performance.
  • Digestive Supplements- Improving your horse's overall health often begins with the digestive system.
    While hay does improve the performance of the digestive tract, it may not be enough for older horses.
    A digestive supplement can protect your horse from gastric ulcers, rebalance the digestive tract, and help to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Garlic, Honey, and Glucose- These types of horse feed supplements are wonderful for older horses.
    The combination of these important properties in the supplements allow for proper blood circulation, aid digestion, produce beneficial bacteria, support respiratory and circulatory systems, and maintain a regular fat metabolism.
    These supplements are also effective for reducing the occurrence of intestinal worms, beneficial for hoof formation, and protecting against sweet itch, laminitis, and arthritis.
Remember that although a regular healthy diet is important, it may not be enough for older horses.
With the correct horse feed and supplements, you can maintain the health of your aging horse and prevent many problems they often develop.
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