Pets & Animal Horses

What"s Special About Stallion Horsetail Hair?

As many string musicians know, the hair from a horse's tail has many uses.
And sometimes, a search for it will yield references to "stallion horsetail hair.
" So what's the big deal about stallion hair? Is it different somehow? Well, first it's important to define our terms, and learn a little more about stallions.
Simply put, a stallion is a male horse that has been neither neutered nor castrated.
In the US and Canada, many male horses are gelded, or castrated, resulting in a type of male horse called a gelding.
Most equestrian activities use geldings instead of stallions, since stallions are generally more difficult to control, and exhibit hormone-driven aggressive tendencies.
Geldings are calmer and can easily live in the same herds as mares and other geldings.
Stallions are kept as breeding stock, separate from the herd.
But there are plenty of other equestrian cultures in the world; globally, the practice of gelding isn't as widespread as in North America.
In many parts of Asia and the Middle East, stallions are trained and ridden.
And this is where much of the best horsehair comes from.
This hair is used for arts and crafts, but most often it's used by luthiers, artisans who make violins, cellos and other stringed instruments.
The hair is used for the instruments' bows, and strung between the bow's tip and its "frog," which keeps the horsetail hair in place.
The real secret behind stallion tail hair is that it's essentially the same as hair from a mare's or gelding's tail.
So why would any business mention that it's selling stallion hair? Simple.
The best hair comes from the tails of Mongolian horses; coming as it does from such an ancient bloodline in such a dry and hostile environment, it's finer, more elastic and fares better in dry climates.
But Mongolian breeders don't geld horses; they keep nothing but mares and stallions.
And all of the hair comes from the tails of male horses.
So when people use the term "stallion horsetail hair," they're probably referring to hair from Mongolian stallions.
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