- 1). Breed a tobiano to another tobiano and you'll have a 75 percent chance the offspring is tobiano. Of this breeding, half the time the coat will have heterozygous genes and a quarter will have homozygous -- or two doses of the tobiano gene. Both groups will have tobiano coloring.
- 2). Breed the tobiano horse to a non-tobiano horse and half the time the foal will be tobiano. This is because the tobiano gene is dominant so the other coloring options are not as likely to appear. If you breed a homozygous tobiano to a non-spotted horse, the foal will always be spotted but the color pattern will vary.
- 3). Breed a sabino with another sabino and the chances of producing another sabino foal ranges from 50 to 100 percent. This range depends on what type of sabino gene the breeding horses have. The sabino color is not dominant and will vary particularly.