Pets & Animal Horses

Effective Ways for Taming Horse

Taming your horse takes time.
You train this animal similarly like you train your dog.
Horses are smart and loving animals too.
They will look up to you if you are going to treat them like your friend.
I am writing this article to share with you the numerous ways to discipline this pet.
There are no rules in here.
Even you're only a beginner; you can already use these tips: 1) Keep your movements and body language in non-aggressive form.
Horses can't understand a word you're saying.
For that, they will really be grateful once you are establishing a smooth rapport with them.
2) When you want to stroke your horse, rub his or her neck area first.
It is a sign of lack of respect if you stroke their shoulders or other parts of their body before their neck.
Make sure your hands are moving slowly when you caress it.
3) Award your horse with rewards.
Like any animals, it will see you as their good master once you are generously feeding them every time they achieve something nice.
Usually, horses like to eat carrots or apples and it's just the perfect time to feed your horse when you are teaching them new tricks.
Just an important reminder: Make sure you resist the urge of petting while giving him the treat.
This technique is not good and will only pamper your horse.
Just give them the treat and leave, no questions ask.
4) Never force your horse to act on something which they don't like.
Coercing does only mean you are teaching your horse to fear you.
5) If you want to tame your horse, always talk to them in a soothing and calm voice.
Your pet must learn how to associate your voice and presence with good things.
6) Make an effort to check if your horse is in good shape and injured-free.
Sometimes, it does not follow your commands because he or she does not feel well.
If your horse is ill, call a veterinarian immediately.
Never medicate your horse all by yourself.
7) Last tip: Taming your horse is quite intuitive.
If you don't know to do it right, you can always buy a book or read some blogs in the Internet.
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