Pets & Animal: Little Man and His Family

Little Man and His Family

Little Man horse gallery photo. A gallery of About Horses and Ponies reader's horses' and ponies. This online album contains photos of readers horses and ponies. Horse pictures and digital artwork. Submit your horse photo for inclusion in the My Horse Photo Gallery

Pets & Animal: Miss Congeniality Belle

Miss Congeniality Belle

Miss Congeniality Belle horse gallery photo. A gallery of About Horses and Ponies reader's horses' and ponies. This online album contains photos of readers horses and ponies. Horse pictures and digital artwork. Submit your horse photo for inclusion in the My Horse Photo Gallery

Pets & Animal: How to Remove Cockleburs From a Horse's Mane

How to Remove Cockleburs From a Horse's Mane

Horse owners know that leaving a horse out in a field to explore and play at will typically results in the animal coming in covered in dust, dirt and mud from poll to hoof. Additionally, the seeds of the cocklebur plant, a native North America species indigenous to many pastures, sprout tiny spurs t

Pets & Animal: Promoting Your Stud - Some Quick Tips on Marketing For the Horse Breeder

Promoting Your Stud - Some Quick Tips on Marketing For the Horse Breeder

The horse breeding industry has always been highly competitive, but in today's world with its tough economic climate, e-communication, technology and international accessibility it is even more so.It is evident that breeders need to be not only astute and the best they can be at what they do, b

Pets & Animal: How To Cut Expenses Showing Horses

How To Cut Expenses Showing Horses

Owning a horse is expensive. Showing a horse is even more expensive. But there are a few ways to save money in certain areas.

Pets & Animal: Natural Horsemanship Versus Traditional Training Techniques

Natural Horsemanship Versus Traditional Training Techniques

The fundamental difference between what has come to be generically called "natural horsemanship" and what has been accepted over time as traditional training techniques comes down to one question: When you look at your horse, what do you see? Many people see the horse as a creature to be c

Pets & Animal: Ringworm in Horses

Ringworm in Horses

Learn about what ringworm on horses looks like, and the causes, effects, prevention, symptoms and treatments of ringworm equine dermatitis. Learn about ringworm skin rash in horses. Learn why a horse/'s hair may fall out in round patches.

Pets & Animal: Horse Nutrition & Rice Bran

Horse Nutrition & Rice Bran

Rice bran is made from the brown layer that is removed from a rice seed to make white rice. It is full of nutrients and can be added to a horse's diet to help it gain or maintain weight. Always consult your veterinarian when changing your horse's diet as she may have an insight into how much rice br

Pets & Animal: What to Pack for an Own a Pony Day

What to Pack for an Own a Pony Day

With summer fast approaching, it won't be long before the children break up from school, and own-a pony days at their local riding school can be a great way of keeping them active and entertained, but still out of your hair during the six week break. Here is a quick look at what to send them wi

Pets & Animal: How to Customize a Horse Trailer

How to Customize a Horse Trailer

Customizing a horse trailer can be simple or difficult depending on the intricacy of the design. A basic trailer with a small tack area will generally come with a couple of saddle racks and bridle hooks. Interior lights are used many times to make trailering and packing in the dark easier. A trail

Pets & Animal: How to Register Cattle Brands

How to Register Cattle Brands

Registered cattle brands are important because they establish proof of ownership. Brands also facilitate the return of stray animals to the rightful person. Identification of livestock with brands is not a new practice. Branding originated around 2700 B.C., as shown by paintings of branded oxen in E

Pets & Animal: Owning Horses in the Suburbs - Suburban Horsekeeping

Owning Horses in the Suburbs - Suburban Horsekeeping

In today's society about 20 percent of families in the United States own more than one horse. Thousands of other families living in urban or suburban communities with small acres of land and some with no land at all would like to own a horse or two. Many of these families have very little to no

Pets & Animal: Parts of a Bridle & Saddle

Parts of a Bridle & Saddle

A bit is the most important part of a image by Henryk Olszewski from Fotolia.comYou have to be a great horse rider to ride bareback. Modern bridles and saddles make riding a horse easier by giving you control over the horse and his movements. Beginning equestrians should be...

Pets & Animal: Easy Steps to Grooming Your Horse

Easy Steps to Grooming Your Horse

Caring for your horse's coat doesn't need to be difficult if you stick to a daily routine. Stabled horses tend to require more grooming than one kept on grass, but both techniques start the same.

Pets & Animal: How to Use Citrus Pulp As a Diet Supplement

How to Use Citrus Pulp As a Diet Supplement

Citrus producers make citrus pulp feed from the byproducts of citrus products, including the peel, pits and seeds of oranges, tangerines and grapefruits. These products are dried and made into pellet form for use as a diet supplement for dairy cattle. Citrus pulp used as a diet supplement for cattle

Pets & Animal: Equine Remedial Therapy

Equine Remedial Therapy

Equine remedial therapy is also known as equine massage therapy and is an emerging practice for treating sports injuries in horse athletes. The horses used for races and other athletic events often suffer from pulled muscles and muscle strains. Working with a equine massage therapist can greatly imp

Pets & Animal: Tips - Horse Training

Tips - Horse Training

When learning about training tips, horses can be either very easy or very difficult to train. A horses eagerness to learn depends on many factors, such as what situation the horse is coming to you from. If the horse is still in infancy it will be significantly easier to train than a horse that is ol

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