Pets & Animal: Buying a Horse - Without Being Taken for a Ride

Buying a Horse - Without Being Taken for a Ride

So you think you have found the ideal pony or horse? Before you hand over your hard-earned cash, wait a minute... What can you do to make sure you don`t have an unpleasant surprise in a week or two`s time?

Pets & Animal: What to Consider When Buying Saddles

What to Consider When Buying Saddles

There are possibilities that you need to buy a new saddle after some time. For those who do not know it, it is a leather seat that is commonly used in riding animals especially horses or camels. It fits over the horse's back.

Pets & Animal: Chasteberry for Cushings in Horses

Chasteberry for Cushings in Horses

Cushing's disease, or syndrome, is not a welcome diagnosis for any horse owner. As of 2010, the symptoms are treatable, but the condition is not curable, with symptoms progressing as the horse gets older. Chasteberry is emerging as a promising herbal treatment for this endocrinal condition. Studies

Pets & Animal: Caring for a Horse That Got Stung by a Bee

Caring for a Horse That Got Stung by a Bee

Horses are vulnerable to a variety of potentially aggressive insects known as social stingers, especially during the summer months when these creatures experience a heightened temperament. In most cases, they pose little serious threat to an equine's health, and most stings are quickly remedied with

Pets & Animal: How to Become a Horse Trainer

How to Become a Horse Trainer

Being a horse trainer is rewarding, but it's also dangerous and time-consuming. You'll probably start off as an assistant to an established trainer. You'll begin by taking care of the horses, grooming, exercising and saddling; riding will come later, when you've proven your skills.

Pets & Animal: How to Measure Saddle Size

How to Measure Saddle Size

Both Western and English saddles come in different sizes to conform to the rider's size as well as the horse's back and girth. A saddle that is too big can slip on the horse and cause a rash or sores. A saddle that is too large for the rider can cause the rider to slide around in the saddle, making

Pets & Animal: What is a Certified Trainer?

What is a Certified Trainer?

I recently ran into quite a bit of conflict surrounding the subject of certified horse trainers and although I did a short article pondering the reasons for the harsh feelings against the idea, I had a request to give better arguments to support my stance on the subject. I was not really intending o

Pets & Animal: Home Remedy for Horse Wounds

Home Remedy for Horse Wounds

Like any animal, horses sometimes experience wounds, whether brought on by other horses, insects or some other injury. If you see your horse is wounded and it's a situation that you can handle without veterinary intervention, try the following home remedies to help treat and heal the wound.

Pets & Animal: Arabian Horse History - The Path Across Europe

Arabian Horse History - The Path Across Europe

Starting with the birth of Islam by the Prophet Mohammed around 600 A.D., Arabia underwent a vast change in culture. Fired with an intense passion over their new-found Islamic faith, Arab warriors tore through the desert, mounted on Arabian horses, spreading the word of their Prophet.

Pets & Animal: Horse Training Equipment

Horse Training Equipment

Riding a horse was one of the necessary needs, and today it is a pleasure or sport activity. The animals followed the man on his travels, helped him to quickly and easily cross the vast distances, and in many battles in the history of mankind led armies there were horsemen from the warring parties.

Pets & Animal: Equine Allergy and Cortisone Treatment

Equine Allergy and Cortisone Treatment

Seasonal and chronic allergies can occur as a result of the environment, medications, insects, even feed or bedding. Often, the reaction is as superficial as a mild case of hives but other-times, the reaction can be life-threatening, such as those affecting the horse's ability to breathe. Cortisone

Pets & Animal: How to Groom a Show Horse

How to Groom a Show Horse

There are many techniques for grooming show horses. Many specific techniques vary with each breed and discipline, but the basics are the same no matter what type of horse you show or style of riding. Grooming your horse for show begins long before the day you travel to the show grounds. Some starts

Pets & Animal: Protecting Our Horses With Horse Insurance

Protecting Our Horses With Horse Insurance

There are a number of different options when it comes to horse insurance and each owner must examine the policies as they relate to their particular situation. Insurance policies can often be customized to fit the owner's particular situation and needs but there is some common practices standar

Pets & Animal: How To Choose The Right Horse Feed Balancer

How To Choose The Right Horse Feed Balancer

If you are an aspiring horse rider and if you have been reading a lot of horse riding magazines lately or even if you have been riding horses for decades, you have probably noticed that there are dozens if not hundreds of different types of horse supplements that you can buy today. From joint supple

Pets & Animal: Emerging Roles of a Horse Trainer

Emerging Roles of a Horse Trainer

With the growing popularity of equestrian sports and horse riding, the role of a horse trainer has emerged much beyond just training and preparing a horse for a particular competition. Currently, horse training has become a specialized vehicle within the equine industry so much so that various horse

Pets & Animal: Effective Ways for Taming Horse

Effective Ways for Taming Horse

Taming your horse takes time. You train your horse similarly like you train your dog. Horses are smart and loving animals too. They will look up to you if you are going to treat them like your friend.

Pets & Animal: How to Breed Sabino & Tobiano Horses

How to Breed Sabino & Tobiano Horses

Many people breed their own horses and they all have their own goals. Some breed for type, size, temperament and movement. Others breed for color, such as the colors found in paint, pinto and certain pony breeds. Such horses have any combination of brown, white and black in their coats. Two of thes

Pets & Animal: Supplies for a Miniature Pony

Supplies for a Miniature Pony

A miniature pony can live up to 35 years.pony image by michele goglio from Fotolia.comBefore you get that miniature pony and add a pet to your family, know the facts. They are not tiny and playful like dogs, nor do they have the short life span of a gerbil. Miniature ponies grow to...