Pets & Animal Horses

How to Train Problem Horses

    • 1). Exercise a problem horse enough to tire it out and make it compliant enough to train. Attempt to dress the horse in a harness and saddle as many times as it takes to get it to wear one. Most horses eventually will accept a saddle and harness.

    • 2). Mount the horse in a very slow, non-threatening manner. Pat the horse's head and side and speak to it in a calm voice. Place one foot in one stirrup and apply pressure so it knows your intentions. Climb into the saddle.

    • 3). Pull on the reins sternly if the horse becomes agitated and attempts to buck. Continue rhythmic pulls on the reins until the horse calms. Kick the horse lightly in the sides to get it moving.

    • 4). Change directions after a few trots in one direction. Pull the side rein of the direction you want the horse to move. If the horse refuses, pull straight back on the reins firmly, then in the desired direction once again. Once the horse is moving in that direction change directions again.

    • 5). Continue this method in a small enclosed area several hours a day. As the horse becomes more tired, it will become accustomed to you and accept what must be done. Reward the horse at the end of each day of training with a carrot, oats or a sugar cube.

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