Society & Culture  & Entertainment: DIY: Decorative Photo Collages

DIY: Decorative Photo Collages

Everyone enjoys capturing those special moments on camera. Whether it's during the holidays, at the family reunion or just a quiet Saturday at home, taking photos is a great way to remember these times for years to come. But when all is said and done, what should you do with the pictures? Making a d

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Sailor's Palm

How to Make a Sailor's Palm

A sailor's palm, otherwise known as a sailmaker's palm, is a device used to protect the palm of the hand when making a sail for a sailboat. The tool is usually made out of leather and steel and covers the palm area; this protects the palm when working needles through heavy canvas. Store-bought sailo

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: An Easy Way to Make a Paper Puppet

An Easy Way to Make a Paper Puppet

This is a toy you can make quickly with materials that are almost always available. Puppets are a good way to keep a child entertained while traveling or waiting at a restaurant. Little children love listening to a story told by a puppet or making a puppet "eat" your buttons or your nose. Older ch

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Baby Brag Book

How to Make a Baby Brag Book

A baby brag book is convenient for showing off pictures of your new bundle of joy. The book can be simple, quick and inexpensive to make with just a few tools and supplies. This particular project is made with a basic plain 4x6 photo album found at most discount and drug stores. Make one for yoursel

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Roman Arch Craft for Kids

How to Make a Roman Arch Craft for Kids

Roman arch crafts are creative ways to introduce a child to history and visual art. Arches were constructed by Romans over 2,000 years ago, according to the website Technology Student, as a great feat of engineering. Arches resembled upside down "U" shapes and acted as the bracing supports

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Crochet a Ring With a Cluster of Beads

How to Crochet a Ring With a Cluster of Beads

A cluster ring combines crochet with beading skills to make an elegant ring to wear with a wide range of styles. The outcome of the finished product depends on the type of bead used, whether pearl, gold, silver, semi-precious stones, cabochons, plastic or crystal. The band, made from crochet wire,

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Find Ideas For Queen Size Quilts

How to Find Ideas For Queen Size Quilts

Quilting is a highly creative craft that combines patterns, shapes and colors to create sewn fabric blankets. You can find ideas for quilt-making by looking at the works of others or by following the suggestions of professionals. You can also find your own sources of inspiration to stimulate your cr

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: DIY Styrofoam Projects

DIY Styrofoam Projects

Styrofoam, which is a brand name for a type of plastic foam, is used in just about everything from insulation to life vests to crafts of all kinds. With so many uses, it's easy to find yourself with an abundance of it either in your home or is is easily acquired. Although Styrofoam can't be discarde

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make Beeswax Foundation

How to Make Beeswax Foundation

Beeswax is a natural secretion made by the honeybees and is used by the bees to build up their honeycombs. If you are keeping bees in a bee farm, you will need to maintain the honeycomb including the use of beeswax in the construction. Beeswax foundations are sheets of beeswax that are formed to mim

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Instructions for Knitting Women's Slippers

Instructions for Knitting Women's Slippers

Slippers have been around for hundreds of years, beginning as sandals made of leather. The origin of the word "slipper" is the verb "slip," as in "to slip on." Knitting a pair of slippers is a very enjoyable way to relax, and what better project is there than to make something for yourself or a love

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Wreath With Tulle

How to Make a Wreath With Tulle

Ever wondered what to do with all the leftover tulle from your wedding, baby shower or child's birthday party? Why not craft an easy, inexpensive wreath to hang in your home as a reminder of the special day? With just a few other materials, you can turn yards of fabric into one or two pretty, themed

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Video: Rainbow Streamers Craft

Video: Rainbow Streamers Craft

Video Transcript Hi, I'm Holly Silva and I've been a craft expert for 15 years. Today, I'm going to show how to make rainbow streamers craft. So I have all of these beautiful colors of the rainbow, well except to two, it's ROYGBIV, right? Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and then we've...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make 3D Flowers

How to Make 3D Flowers

Enjoy a creative time with the kids, add a pretty finishing touch to a gift-wrapped package, or spruce up your room, library or classroom with a bouquet of colorful 3-D flowers. This craft idea will make a great addition to your lesson plans if you're a teacher or add a little fun to a ho-hum Sunday

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Indian Beadwork Instructions

Indian Beadwork Instructions

Indian beadwork encompasses everything from jewelry to handbags to belts. Native Americans used beads to weave intricate patterns on threads, primarily using looms. People still use looms to make Indian beadwork today.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Dangers in Microwaving a Styrofoam Cup

Dangers in Microwaving a Styrofoam Cup

Styrofoam, also known by generic name polystyrene, is a type of plastic that is made of expanded polystyrene beads. Urban legends abound on the potential side-effects and health risks associated with microwaving Styrofoam products. However, studies have show that microwaving a Styrofoam cup (along w

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Snakes in California

Snakes in California

Snakes are scaly reptiles that can range greatly in size, shape and color. There are thousands of species of snakes throughout the world, most of which are are non-venomous. Snakes have a keen sense of smell and are excellent hunters. California is home to many species of snakes, including rattlesna

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Wolfenstein 3D Hints

Wolfenstein 3D Hints

"Wolfenstein 3D" helped bring about the popularity of first-person shooting games with its innovative controls and three-dimensional game play. This computer classic from developer Id is now being enjoyed by a new generation of gamers thanks to its release as an arcade game for Xbox Live. But battle

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Copper Wire Craft Projects

Copper Wire Craft Projects

Copper wire can be used to make the base of a tabletop tree.wire tree image by cleomiu from Fotolia.comCopper wire is a great medium for craft projects. It is bendable, flexible and useful in a variety of projects from jewelry to potted flowers. For most copper wire crafts, you will need...