Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

17 Cheap & Fun Date Ideas For a Summer Weekend

Are you wondering if its possible to have a great and romantic date that's not expensive? With the state of the economy, more and more people are cutting back on their expenses especially on things not considered necessities.
This sadly has impacted the quality of some people's dating experience.
However, the truth is money should not be the all consuming factor in determining if you have a great and exciting date or not.
Below are 17 fun and cheap date ideas for a summer date that'll live long in your memory without hurting your wallet.
17 Cheap and Fun Date Ideas 1.
Go out for a date at your local Starbucks or coffee shop.
A coffee shop has an atmosphere that lends itself to great conversation.
Go bargain hunting at a flea market in your area.
Visit an ice cream parlor and unleash your inner child on the assorted ice cream flavors.
Visit a local art gallery.
Go for a walk in the park.
Visit your local library and discover some old books from your childhood.
Look for and attend free concerts in your town.
You can find these concerts in the advert section of your local newspaper.
Borrow movies from an online rental store or your local video store and enjoy a night of movies together with some pop corn.
Take a walk by the beach and enjoy watching the sun go down.
Hire bicycles and go ride in the park.
Choose a place out of town that you've never been to and find your way to that location using an A-Z Map.
No Sat Navs! Okay, just take one in case you really get lost.
Go for a picnic at your local park.
Go to a salsa dance club.
Buy a Frisbee and enjoy a game of back and forth at the park.
Bake a cake together.
Also ensure you both go to the supermarket to get the ingredients and everything you'll need for baking.
Go hiking.
Buy 2 newspapers and have a game to see who'll be the first to finish the sudoku and word puzzles at the back or inside the newspaper.
Winner gets to do or say something you both agree on.
These date ideas are not only cheap but are activity based.
This will lead to excellent conversation topics, getting physically fit and above all, the chance get to know each other more.
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