Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

What Do Men Want in Women - It"s Simple, Really

For some women, finding the ideal man to date or marry is like a game of musical chairs...
everyone sat down and you were the last one left standing.
If you feel as if all the good ones are taken, that you're tired of looking or don't know what to do, then have no fear.
Finding the ideal man is simple - you already have what he is looking for.
Your ideal man has many choices.
Being perceived as unique in the market of single women is one of the most beneficial marketing assets you have.
The answer to the question what do men want in women, lies in identifying where need and desire are not being met and filling it.
It is this approach that will set you apart from your competitors.
Using established marketing techniques, you can create a plan to target and market yourself, ultimately finding the ideal man, dating or marrying "The One.
" The same strategy behind a business marketing plan can be applied to a dating plan that addresses the question what do men want in women? To get you started, let's start by crafting your Key Messages.
When good marketers begin developing their Key Messages, they always start by asking "What's In It for Me" from their target market's point of view.
It is the basis for creating a compelling offer.
Your target market or ideal man will have an immediate and positive response to a product that gives him exactly what he wants: the perfect woman (for him).
People buy Benefits.
A Benefit is something that promotes or enhances well-being, an advantage, an improvement, a payoff, a profit.
The basic Benefits (payoffs) that motivate people to buy are:
  • To make them richer, more successful
  • To save time or money
  • To obtain a satisfying personal life, realize personal goals, reinforce a self-image
  • To fulfill a sense of adventure
  • To become healthy, avoid pain
To craft a Key Message, first identify your ideal man's unique needs and interests from the list above.
Next, flesh out those specific qualities that already exist within you that address those needs and interests you have just identified; qualities that enhance his well-being, give him an advantage, improve upon his life, afford him a payoff or a profit.
There is nothing you need to do or change.
Your Key Messages should do the following:
  • Paint a picture
  • Create an emotion
  • Sell hope, a result, a fix, a solution to a problem
During conversation, listen and gather information about your ideal man's character, tastes, Unmet Goals and Desires.
Pay attention to responses.
Listen carefully and respond appropriately with a relevant Key Message.
Design your words and images to stir basic emotions, fulfill his unmet goals and desires.
What do men want in women? Show him, paint a picture, tell a story with a Key Message custom built for him.
That's what men want, you already have it.
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