Are you suffering from the woes of premature ejaculation? Then my friend, you are not alone.
A vast majority of men suffer just like you do.
Nothing can be more severe than a blow to what men perceive as the ultimate symbol of their manhood and their role in our society.
But fear not, there is a solution to the problem, and you can easily learn how to prevent premature ejaculation.
Releasing Just a Tad Too Quickly The good news is that this problem is not considered as an abnormal condition and remedies are readily available for anyone who wants to relieve the problem at the soonest possible time.
Some men find that masturbating in the correct pattern and/or doing kegels exercises help them alleviate their problem easily, these are two natural remedies that you too can employ.
Masturbation as a Cure Yes one may find it odd that masturbation is considered a cure, but once done in the right way, it can really help, how you ask? In the sense that the practice can be used to allow you to take control of your releases, you can work on how long you last per session and then work at prolonging it, by stopping when you feel that you are about to come and continuing once the feeling recedes, learn your reaction to a fast or slow stroking, then you will know what to do when you are actually with a partner.
The Other Exercise Now, not everyone is keen on masturbation, so if you're one of them you can try to do Kegel's exercises, this exercise is meant for pregnant women to allow them control over giving birth but it can also be very helpful for men who have control problems.
Finally, your last solution is not so much a cure but will allow you to deal with your current concern.
Men in general are not overly concern that they come too quickly, what they are really concerned about is that they are not able to please their lovers satisfactorily and this is where their fear steps in.
So what you can do is instead of rushing into sex, you can actually engage in foreplay and teasing so that your love will have the maximum sexual stimulation, this of course is not a cure but if your partner is aroused to the point of orgasm, when you actually start to engage in the actual sexual act of penetration, there is a much larger chance for her to come simultaneous with you even if you do come fast.
IN the end you can do so many things in order to alleviate your problem and now that you know what to do on how to prevent premature ejaculation, it is now up to you to do the rest.
A vast majority of men suffer just like you do.
Nothing can be more severe than a blow to what men perceive as the ultimate symbol of their manhood and their role in our society.
But fear not, there is a solution to the problem, and you can easily learn how to prevent premature ejaculation.
Releasing Just a Tad Too Quickly The good news is that this problem is not considered as an abnormal condition and remedies are readily available for anyone who wants to relieve the problem at the soonest possible time.
Some men find that masturbating in the correct pattern and/or doing kegels exercises help them alleviate their problem easily, these are two natural remedies that you too can employ.
Masturbation as a Cure Yes one may find it odd that masturbation is considered a cure, but once done in the right way, it can really help, how you ask? In the sense that the practice can be used to allow you to take control of your releases, you can work on how long you last per session and then work at prolonging it, by stopping when you feel that you are about to come and continuing once the feeling recedes, learn your reaction to a fast or slow stroking, then you will know what to do when you are actually with a partner.
The Other Exercise Now, not everyone is keen on masturbation, so if you're one of them you can try to do Kegel's exercises, this exercise is meant for pregnant women to allow them control over giving birth but it can also be very helpful for men who have control problems.
Finally, your last solution is not so much a cure but will allow you to deal with your current concern.
Men in general are not overly concern that they come too quickly, what they are really concerned about is that they are not able to please their lovers satisfactorily and this is where their fear steps in.
So what you can do is instead of rushing into sex, you can actually engage in foreplay and teasing so that your love will have the maximum sexual stimulation, this of course is not a cure but if your partner is aroused to the point of orgasm, when you actually start to engage in the actual sexual act of penetration, there is a much larger chance for her to come simultaneous with you even if you do come fast.
IN the end you can do so many things in order to alleviate your problem and now that you know what to do on how to prevent premature ejaculation, it is now up to you to do the rest.