Few things can send a woman into a tailspin faster than seeing her past love with a new woman. There's something in most women that borders on territorial when it comes to an ex boyfriend. Although you're not with him anymore it's still hard to face the fact that he's moved on emotionally and has found someone else to share his life with. This situation is challenging enough as it is but if you're still harbouring a few lingering feelings for the man in question, the difficulty level of seeing him with another woman jumps tenfold. If he's already dating and you're still mourning the loss, you can't let his actions derail you. Many women in your position throw all caution to the wind and they end up a blubbering mess when they come face-to-face with their ex and his new love. You're better than that. You're going to be the woman who walks right up to her ex and his girlfriend, to show them the definition of maturity, dignity and grace.
The most important rule you must live by after your break up is that not to judge yourself against whoever your ex boyfriend chooses to date next. You are not in competition with the new girl. You are very much your own woman and just because the relationship between you two fizzled, that doesn't mean that you're not fantastic in your own right. Once a woman starts comparing herself to the person her ex is dating, she lowers her own self worth. You'll end up in a pool of self loathing where you'll question everything about yourself. Don't do this. Who he is dating now has absolutely nothing to do with you.
Getting that initial awkward meeting behind you should be your focus right now. If you and your ex frequent the same restaurants, coffee shops or nightclubs, you're bound to run into the two of them. You need to be prepared for that eventuality. If you're not you're more likely to say or do something that will completely embarrass yourself. Take for instance, the woman who saw her ex and his new date and leapt into a tear-filled rant about how the new woman wasn't good enough. That's not the role you want to play, is it? You also don't want to be the bitter ex who reveals everything that she finds unappealing about her ex to the new love. That's not who you are.
Instead, you're going to be the woman who is okay with whatever her ex decides to do because he is, after all, the ex. To do that, you need to feel better about the woman you are. Look at yourself in the mirror and see all that you have to offer both on the outside and the inside. You already know that he'll never find someone as remarkable as you so there's no reason for you to feel threatened by this new woman in his life.
From this day forward also make certain you look amazingly hot when you leave the house. You never know when you'll meet up with your ex. Also, engage his new girlfriend in conversation when he does introduce the two of you. Listen to her replies and then compliment her. I promise this will surprise and amaze them both. Then you need to be the one who ends the conversation first, wishes them both a good day and walks away with a smile and her pride intact.
Never let who your ex boyfriend dates make you feel less of a woman than you are. His choices are just that, they are his choices and they don't reflect on you at all. By keeping your head held high, your emotions in check and your self esteem in control, you'll be showing your ex that you secretly know that the new woman in his life is absolutely no competition to you. How could she be? In your own eyes, you're always the winner.
The most important rule you must live by after your break up is that not to judge yourself against whoever your ex boyfriend chooses to date next. You are not in competition with the new girl. You are very much your own woman and just because the relationship between you two fizzled, that doesn't mean that you're not fantastic in your own right. Once a woman starts comparing herself to the person her ex is dating, she lowers her own self worth. You'll end up in a pool of self loathing where you'll question everything about yourself. Don't do this. Who he is dating now has absolutely nothing to do with you.
Getting that initial awkward meeting behind you should be your focus right now. If you and your ex frequent the same restaurants, coffee shops or nightclubs, you're bound to run into the two of them. You need to be prepared for that eventuality. If you're not you're more likely to say or do something that will completely embarrass yourself. Take for instance, the woman who saw her ex and his new date and leapt into a tear-filled rant about how the new woman wasn't good enough. That's not the role you want to play, is it? You also don't want to be the bitter ex who reveals everything that she finds unappealing about her ex to the new love. That's not who you are.
Instead, you're going to be the woman who is okay with whatever her ex decides to do because he is, after all, the ex. To do that, you need to feel better about the woman you are. Look at yourself in the mirror and see all that you have to offer both on the outside and the inside. You already know that he'll never find someone as remarkable as you so there's no reason for you to feel threatened by this new woman in his life.
From this day forward also make certain you look amazingly hot when you leave the house. You never know when you'll meet up with your ex. Also, engage his new girlfriend in conversation when he does introduce the two of you. Listen to her replies and then compliment her. I promise this will surprise and amaze them both. Then you need to be the one who ends the conversation first, wishes them both a good day and walks away with a smile and her pride intact.
Never let who your ex boyfriend dates make you feel less of a woman than you are. His choices are just that, they are his choices and they don't reflect on you at all. By keeping your head held high, your emotions in check and your self esteem in control, you'll be showing your ex that you secretly know that the new woman in his life is absolutely no competition to you. How could she be? In your own eyes, you're always the winner.