Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How To Introduce Swinging to Your Partner

After reading this article and applying the information you should find your partner much more receptive to the idea.
Firstly, to be successful at swinging requires an unusually high degree of communication and trust in your relationship.
Swinging is not a replacement for your relationship, it should be an enhancement (if it becomes a replacement you are headed for trouble).
You need to find ways to deepen your communication.
The most effective way to do this is to think about what is important to your partner.
What are their values? If you know this you can communicate to them in ways that are meaningful to them.
For instance, if your partner is the sort of person who is cautious you need to acknowledge that in your activities together.
Don't surprise him or her with a bungy jump on your anniversary! Once you are communicating in ways that make your partner feel more heard the next step is to increase the amount of intimacy in your relationship.
This is something that for many couples has waned with time.
Now is the time to reactivate your intimacy! You can start his in small ways.
Think back to the beginning of you relationship.
What were some o the things that you did together that were very intimate but which your partner seemed to really enjoy? It might have only been a kiss on the neck or holding her hand in a certain way.
Perhaps you spoke to him/her in a specific tone of voice or used specific words.
Try to remember these and to reintroduce them into your relationship.
With increased intimacy will come more sexual chemistry.
This is where the two of you can start to get adventurous.
If your partner feels loved by you - and made to feel that there is nothing you would do to harm them - then exploring sexual fantasies such as involving others becomes a real possibility.
Start things slowly.
Perhaps plan a visit to a nude beach or resort (there are many of these around the world).
Even just begin to introduce talk about some of your fantasies (in a very low key way).
Judge his/her reaction! The chances are your partner may also have thought about swinging as something to try as well.
However, even with a partner who does not appear particularly sexual, by introducing better communication, greater intimacy and more sexual chemistry in loving ways you may be surprised at the positive response you get.
After all, we are al sexual beings and for many couples swinging is simply a way of adding more spice and love to their own relationship.
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