Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Ladies, Are You Wearing Your Suit of Armor?

What are you wearing to work today? Nothing says "in charge" or "professional" more than a suit.
If you are a "Chick In Charge" or want to stand in your feminine power at work chances are you own 1, 2 or 3 business suits.
Some of the suits in my closet include skirt suits with fitted and shaped jackets which are quite trendy this season.
My preference however is dresses and I only wear suits if I have to.
If you are a "Fashionista" the professional suit is always in style but I think it's important to make it your own.
Too many times we don't wear what we want because we're worried about what other people will think.
There's one suit you should be wearing right now and it's not in your closet! Once upon a time, I worried about what other people thought of me.
I was always concerned what "they" would think.
It held me back some times, because I found myself not playing full-out because I was afraid of being me.
Do you find yourself making decisions based on what you want or what other people want? If I wear this, what will "they" think? If I change my hairstyle, what will "they" think? If I quit my job to do what I love, what will "they" think? If I speak my mind, what will "they" think? If I follow my heart and do what makes me happy, what will "they think? If I buy a bigger house, what will "they" think? If I buy a luxury car, what will "they" think? How many times have you thought, what will "they" think? Today is a great day to stop worrying about what other people think of you.
It's your life and you have to do what best serves you.
Why are we so afraid? It comes down to fear of criticism, the thought of someone saying something negative causes most people to run, hide and live a mediocre life.
Do you fall in that category? Have you decided to not do the thing that you wanted to do to please someone else? Face it, people are going to talk.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but what they think about you or say about you doesn't have to define you (only if you let it).
It's important you wear a "Suit of Armor".
It's important you develop resilience so when you meet negativity you're shielded because 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year you're wearing a "Suit of Armor".
You've heard the saying "like water off a duck's back" (great analogy too!).
So the next time you make the decision to do what you want to do and someone has a problem with it.
Smile and remember if they're busy talking about you, it's because you're a hot topic (definitely worth talking about).
However, let's face it, they probably don't have anything better to do (pretty sad) and they're definitely not happy with themselves and only want to bring you down so they can feel better.
Let them bask in your success and rock your "Suit of Armor" every season!!!
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