The relationship with our beaus is unique because they are of our own personal construction and every turn it takes is by our own personal designs.
As such, a break up is a direct indication that you had failed to control an aspect of your life that had critical significance.
This can wreck havoc on your self regard and plunge you in deep depression.
But why wallow in self pity when you can actually complicate matters for your beloved? Follow a couple of the below mentioned antics and throw your better half in a roller coaster of situations instead.
Be Cool: Never let your partner derive the satisfaction from the fact that he dumped you.
Instead turn the tables on him.
Behave as if you got a load off your chest because of the break up and that because of it you are now free and super happy.
This reverse reaction is going to confound your ex and he may feel that it was better if you were together.
The 'J' Factor: Imagine how irritated your ex will get, when you instantly start dating other people just post your break up; especially if they happen to be from his list of kith.
Not being able to bad mouth you for fear of damage to his own reputation he will yearn to repossess you in his hearts of hearts.
Be persistent and this will pay handsome rewards.
Make Him Wait: Do not throw in the towel at the first indications that your sweetheart is eager to get back.
It's important that your spouse does not take you for granted and understands that they have to work hard to retain your presence in their life.
As such, a break up is a direct indication that you had failed to control an aspect of your life that had critical significance.
This can wreck havoc on your self regard and plunge you in deep depression.
But why wallow in self pity when you can actually complicate matters for your beloved? Follow a couple of the below mentioned antics and throw your better half in a roller coaster of situations instead.
Be Cool: Never let your partner derive the satisfaction from the fact that he dumped you.
Instead turn the tables on him.
Behave as if you got a load off your chest because of the break up and that because of it you are now free and super happy.
This reverse reaction is going to confound your ex and he may feel that it was better if you were together.
The 'J' Factor: Imagine how irritated your ex will get, when you instantly start dating other people just post your break up; especially if they happen to be from his list of kith.
Not being able to bad mouth you for fear of damage to his own reputation he will yearn to repossess you in his hearts of hearts.
Be persistent and this will pay handsome rewards.
Make Him Wait: Do not throw in the towel at the first indications that your sweetheart is eager to get back.
It's important that your spouse does not take you for granted and understands that they have to work hard to retain your presence in their life.