Home & Garden Pest Control

Spurn the shadow of the vampires: Useful measures to eradicate mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are a health hazard across the globe. Millions of children and adults have succumbed to the life threatening diseases transmitted by these atrocious creatures. A majority of these lethal diseases is introduced into the serene environment of Georgia by tourists who have been visiting the Caribbean and the African states.

A brief description of the various diseases harbored and transmitted by mosquitoes is given below:
  • The West Nile Virus is transmitted to humans, birds and horses via mosquito bite. It is the most common type of mosquito transmitted disease prevalent in Dunwoody and Woodstock.
  • The La Crosse Encephalitis (LAC) is transmitted by the Tree Hole mosquito. It is a widespread threat in Kennesaw with children being the primary targets.
  • The Jamestown Canyon Virus (JCV) is transmitted via several species of mosquitoes.
  • The Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE) is prevalent in the cities of Roswell and affects horses, humans and apes alike. This is a fatal disease.
  • Malaria and dengue are a reason for health concern throughout the entire expanse of North America.
  • Chikungunya found its way to Georgia in 2014 and is known to cause joint pain and fever in its subjects.
  • Eliminate the source or the breeding ground of the mosquitoes. Clear out pools of standing water from your vicinity.
  • Promote the growth of biological tools to exterminate mosquitoes. These include predatory fish such as mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), killfish, cyprinids and Tilapia.
  • An extensive mosquito spray system can be used at home and offices to inhibit the growth of mosquitoes.
  • The dormant spores of Bacillus thuringiensis, a soil bacterium, infest mosquito larvae thereby killing them.
  • Remedies such as home made mosquito spray, comprising of essential oils and mosquito repellants are effective in waving off these pests.
  • Fungi such as Metarhizium anisopilae are known to exterminate mosquitoes.
  • Natural mosquito spray does not irritate the skin and miraculously keeps mosquitoes at bay.
  • Eco friendly means of trapping mosquito larvae is extensively use across the globe to keep mosquito population in check.
  • Mosquito control spray and oil drips hinder the growth of mosquitoes manifold.
  • To steer clear of mosquitoes in your backyard, mosquito yard spray is effective in keeping the outdoors safe for you.
  • Using DDT is the most common and effective way of killing large populations of mosquitoes.
  • Light traps attract mosquitoes and are used in a variety of restaurants and eateries where spraying is avoided.
Effective measures to eliminate mosquitoes
In the light of the above, you can easily judge the ever-looming menaces posed to your general well-being by mosquitoes. Wiping out these winged creatures is not impossible. With our amazing range of flexible services, you can choose the remedy best suited to your needs and environment. We provide you with all the effective means to fend off these pests not only for the present, but for good. Safeguarding your health is of vital importance to us!
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