If you want to get your girlfriend back I have some good news and bad news.
Bad news first.
Depending on how and why you broke up it may not be easy.
The good news is that If you really want your ex back there is almost always a way to do it - if you go about doing it the right way.
Couples break up for all sorts of reasons.
some are serious, like cheating on your girl time after time.
If that's the case its a sign that there is a problem with the relationship, and if you want to get your girl back for good you will have to do some serious soul searching.
In that case the question is do you really want to get back together? But if you really do want to save the relationship, then there are proven time tested ways to gently but persistently let her know you still want her in your life.
Here are Five powerful strategies that will serve you well.
First, you will want to still be in her life, but on the periphery, so you don't make yourself out to be a pest.
You don't want to seem needy and or be a burden to her.
Good communication is key.
Or maybe it is better to say that you want to stay in touch, but not with the same frequency as before.
If you broke up it is best to let her have some space to sort out her feelings about you and about the two of you together.
So you can send an occasional text message or email, but don't overwhelm her.
Keep the messages short and upbeat.
"Hi, have you gotten the dress you've been wanting?" That's much better than "I really want to see you again.
" Stay away from neediness.
It will repel her, not draw her closer to you.
Second, stay single for a while until some time has passed.
Do not go after other women, since this may ignite jealousy in her and stir up strong angry emotions.
Even if it seems to you to be an innocent date with another girl, it may be awkward for you ex to accept.
So cool your heels for a strategic period of time.
After all, you want to get her back, not alienate her.
Third, remember her birthday or other event that has emotional significance for her.
Send her a tasteful card to show her that you still care for her.
Fourth, what about calling her on the phone? Go slow at first.
Let the emotional dust settle.
Then an occasional call would be okay, as long as you keep it light.
Keep the neediness out, but connect with her on an emotional level.
Ask her how she is.
Tell her you've been thinking about her, or that some thing reminded you of her.
Fifth, after a few weeks ask if she would like to go for coffee, or a light dinner, lunch, etc.
This is where you test the waters to see if she is receptive to getting together on a more regular basis.
Keep the conversation light and do not pressure her.
Tell her what you miss about having her in your life and explore how she felt about your relationship in the past, and how she feels about it now.
Explore her feelings, and be frank about yours.
Gradually, she may find that the positive feelings she had about you are far greater than the negatives.
And that creates an opening for the two of you to reunite.
Bad news first.
Depending on how and why you broke up it may not be easy.
The good news is that If you really want your ex back there is almost always a way to do it - if you go about doing it the right way.
Couples break up for all sorts of reasons.
some are serious, like cheating on your girl time after time.
If that's the case its a sign that there is a problem with the relationship, and if you want to get your girl back for good you will have to do some serious soul searching.
In that case the question is do you really want to get back together? But if you really do want to save the relationship, then there are proven time tested ways to gently but persistently let her know you still want her in your life.
Here are Five powerful strategies that will serve you well.
First, you will want to still be in her life, but on the periphery, so you don't make yourself out to be a pest.
You don't want to seem needy and or be a burden to her.
Good communication is key.
Or maybe it is better to say that you want to stay in touch, but not with the same frequency as before.
If you broke up it is best to let her have some space to sort out her feelings about you and about the two of you together.
So you can send an occasional text message or email, but don't overwhelm her.
Keep the messages short and upbeat.
"Hi, have you gotten the dress you've been wanting?" That's much better than "I really want to see you again.
" Stay away from neediness.
It will repel her, not draw her closer to you.
Second, stay single for a while until some time has passed.
Do not go after other women, since this may ignite jealousy in her and stir up strong angry emotions.
Even if it seems to you to be an innocent date with another girl, it may be awkward for you ex to accept.
So cool your heels for a strategic period of time.
After all, you want to get her back, not alienate her.
Third, remember her birthday or other event that has emotional significance for her.
Send her a tasteful card to show her that you still care for her.
Fourth, what about calling her on the phone? Go slow at first.
Let the emotional dust settle.
Then an occasional call would be okay, as long as you keep it light.
Keep the neediness out, but connect with her on an emotional level.
Ask her how she is.
Tell her you've been thinking about her, or that some thing reminded you of her.
Fifth, after a few weeks ask if she would like to go for coffee, or a light dinner, lunch, etc.
This is where you test the waters to see if she is receptive to getting together on a more regular basis.
Keep the conversation light and do not pressure her.
Tell her what you miss about having her in your life and explore how she felt about your relationship in the past, and how she feels about it now.
Explore her feelings, and be frank about yours.
Gradually, she may find that the positive feelings she had about you are far greater than the negatives.
And that creates an opening for the two of you to reunite.