Is there a stripper that you want to date or have you thought of dating a stripper? After all, strippers are typically very attractive, often intelligent and there is no doubt that a stripper knows what a man wants and needs.
What more could you look for in a girlfriend? But before you trot off to your local strip club to begin working your magic and thinking that this is going to be a piece of cake ask yourself if you have what it takes to date a stripper.
Are you blind to the fact that strippers take their clothes off for a living and are in the business of seducing other men? It takes a strong man to deal with the fact that his girlfriend is going to be naked or near naked in front of probably hundreds of men in a given week.
But once you realize that this is only a job and something that she does for a living it can be easy to deal with.
After all, who is it that she goes home to every night or sees outside of work? And lets not even get started with what she will do with you, her boyfriend, that she doesn't do with customers at work.
Would you expect her to quit her job if you began dating seriously? Once again, this is just a job for her.
There is more to being a stripper than just taking your clothes off.
Most strippers are very athletic and they take great pride in how they can dance.
Just try hanging upside down from a stripper pole sometime from one leg or make your body move in the way that she does and you will have a whole new appreciation for what a stripper does.
You don't have to like what she does for a living but if you ever hope to date a stripper you will need to respect her for being able to support herself and the skills that she has both physically and socially that enable her to make a living as a stripper.
Will you be able to be a good sounding board for her when she comes home from work? Can you be secure and open enough to allow her to unload after a long night at work and hear about some creep that grabbed her that she had to have a bouncer remove from the building? You might be tempted to want to know who he is and want to break his face but that is not what she is looking for.
That is what the bouncers are there for.
Everyone has a bad day at work from time to time and if you are dating a stripper she needs to feel secure enough with you to be able to talk with you about her bad days at work no different than you need her to listen to you after a bad day at work.
Finally, are you skilled enough at seduction and passionate enough to be able to handle dating a stripper? Do you have the knowledge and skill to be able to get her to see that you're serious about dating her to get her to forget about the rule that strippers don't date customers? And once you get her to agree to go out on a date with her are you passionate enough and skilled enough at seduction that you can seduce a woman that makes her living at seduction? It may be a lot to overcome but the reward is beyond your wildest imagination.
You will be dating one of the most sensual and passionate women on the face of the planet.
The only question is whether you can handle actually dating a stripper.
What more could you look for in a girlfriend? But before you trot off to your local strip club to begin working your magic and thinking that this is going to be a piece of cake ask yourself if you have what it takes to date a stripper.
Are you blind to the fact that strippers take their clothes off for a living and are in the business of seducing other men? It takes a strong man to deal with the fact that his girlfriend is going to be naked or near naked in front of probably hundreds of men in a given week.
But once you realize that this is only a job and something that she does for a living it can be easy to deal with.
After all, who is it that she goes home to every night or sees outside of work? And lets not even get started with what she will do with you, her boyfriend, that she doesn't do with customers at work.
Would you expect her to quit her job if you began dating seriously? Once again, this is just a job for her.
There is more to being a stripper than just taking your clothes off.
Most strippers are very athletic and they take great pride in how they can dance.
Just try hanging upside down from a stripper pole sometime from one leg or make your body move in the way that she does and you will have a whole new appreciation for what a stripper does.
You don't have to like what she does for a living but if you ever hope to date a stripper you will need to respect her for being able to support herself and the skills that she has both physically and socially that enable her to make a living as a stripper.
Will you be able to be a good sounding board for her when she comes home from work? Can you be secure and open enough to allow her to unload after a long night at work and hear about some creep that grabbed her that she had to have a bouncer remove from the building? You might be tempted to want to know who he is and want to break his face but that is not what she is looking for.
That is what the bouncers are there for.
Everyone has a bad day at work from time to time and if you are dating a stripper she needs to feel secure enough with you to be able to talk with you about her bad days at work no different than you need her to listen to you after a bad day at work.
Finally, are you skilled enough at seduction and passionate enough to be able to handle dating a stripper? Do you have the knowledge and skill to be able to get her to see that you're serious about dating her to get her to forget about the rule that strippers don't date customers? And once you get her to agree to go out on a date with her are you passionate enough and skilled enough at seduction that you can seduce a woman that makes her living at seduction? It may be a lot to overcome but the reward is beyond your wildest imagination.
You will be dating one of the most sensual and passionate women on the face of the planet.
The only question is whether you can handle actually dating a stripper.