- 1). Turn a table with deep side edges into a tableau of stenciled art. You'll need some overhang to pull this off. Purchase or make a stencil that fits the height of the overhang. Ideal subjects include paper dolls, a cityscape and flowers -- any graphic that can be repeated around the circumference of the table. Tape down the stencil. Use a stencil brush to apply color to one section. Once it's dry, move the stencil to the next section until the tableau is complete. Finish with a coat of clear polyurethane.
- 2). Accomplish the same outcome described in Step #1, but without the paint and prep work. Boot your computer, open a program that allows you to import a graphic and then copy/paste a silhouette or line drawing into a document. Shrink down the graphic if it's too tall for the overhang. Once the art is arranged on the page, copy/paste the strips of art as many times as you need to fit the table's edging. Output the strips of art onto sheets of self-stick acetate. Peel off the backing and, using the edge of a ruler, bond the art to the table edges. Coat the art with polyurethane sealer.
- 3). Arrange a garden of silk or veneer flowers around the edges of your table for a romantic finish. Clean and paint the table, if necessary. Pull apart "flat" flowers and leaves. Glue the leaves to the edge of the table first, alternating their directions for a natural look. Then glue down the flowers. Use the same technique for veneer or flowers made of other media. Once everything is in place, wrap the edges of the table in clear wrap and tape it tightly. When the floral wrap dries, coat the floral circlet with decoupage paint or polyurethane to permanently seal the edging to the table.
- 4). Light up your table edges if you're looking for a unique way to make a decorating statement and the table you're edging is located beside an electrical outlet. Purchase enough light strings to circle the table edges -- white icicle lights, lights shaped like Japanese lanterns, dragonflies or another style that matches the room. Carefully attach the cord to the table edge using an industrial stapler or small tacks, avoiding piercing the plastic cord. Start at the back so the plug is hidden. If you want to hide the cord, as well, choose camouflage in the same color as the cord. For example, glue down silk leaves in random order before securing light strings with green cords.