Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Persuade a Man? Here Are the Tricks Which Will Help You Persuade a Man to Follow You

Persuading a man needs some bit of work as you don't really want the man to know that you are really persuading him.
Here are a few ways of persuading him the right way so that you achieve what you want but don't scare him off.
Create your need It helps when you make yourself indispensable.
This is one of the passive ways that works very actively in your favor.
Be his support system and make sure that he begins to depend upon you completely.
Remain independent Retain your independence carrying on with your life much like you did before he came into your life.
Don't always hang out with him being at his beck and call.
When he sees you as the prize then he will begin to pursue you as you won't be available all the time.
Don't put unnecessary pressure Putting any form of unnecessary pressure on your guy will not make him pursue you.
So make sure that you make him as free as you possibly can so that he wants to be with you.
Also when he begins to see that you are not interested in putting any form of commitment pressure on him he will pursue you.
Keep taking some time off Go away on your own and have a great time.
He will begin to want to become a part of this side of your life as well and will begin to pursue you.
You have to make him see what his life is going to feel like if you are not around but also make him feel like you will survive and well.
Play the insecurity game Never make him feel completely secure and let him become complacent around you.
Make him feel like he has to work really hard to get your complete attention and to figure higher in your priority list.
Make him wait Make him persuade you by simply making him wait a bit for you.
Arrive late for a date because you were busy with something else or cancel a date because you have to deal with something at work.
This will again make him persuade you to get your complete attention.
Don't show any desperation Never show any desperation to be with him.
Always have a good time with him but make him feel that you don't really think about him too much once your date with him is over.
Don't call him too much and never answer his phone in the first ring and he will persuade you till he gets you completely.
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